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In Wake of Shocking Abortion-Through-Birth Legislation, ACLJ Demands Records from New York Governor’s Office Exposing Abortion Industry’s Control Over New York Law


Benjamin P. Sisney

February 8, 2019

5 min read




You’ve read about the shocking legislation abortion advocates passed in New York:  the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), that removed New York’s restrictions on abortion and would allow abortion up to the moment of birth.

You’ve also heard about how Virginia’s Governor and legislators – bought and paid for by Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America – tried to take Virginia down New York’s path of death.

And thankfully, you heard the President of the United States call out both New York and Virginia’s shameful but revealing legislation in his State of the Union Address last night.

The ACLJ is taking action.

We just delivered Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests to the New York Governor’s office as part of our multifaceted legal strategy to defend life and expose the political and financial agenda of the abortion industry.

On behalf of over 4,000 of our members residing in New York and nearly 100,000 nationwide, the ACLJ has demanded records that will show what was happening behind the scenes leading up to New York’s barbaric law: What kind of pressure did the abortion lobby place on New York lawmakers? What was promised? What kind of communications were taking place between the Governor’s office and the New York legislators about the RHA?

Here are our specific requests:

  1. All records prepared, generated, forwarded, transmitted, sent, shared, saved, received, or reviewed by Governor Andrew Cuomo or his staff, Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul or her staff, or any other Executive Chamber appointee, staff, employee or agent, that are or concern in any way communications with any person or organization advocating for the Reproductive Health Act signed into law by Governor Cuomo on January 22, 2019, its passage, or the language of any provision contained in the Act at any stage of its development in the state legislature.
  2. All records prepared, generated, forwarded, transmitted, sent, shared, saved, received, or reviewed by any Department of Health appointee, staff, employee or agent, that are or concern in any way communications with any person or organization advocating for the Reproductive Health Act signed into law by Governor Cuomo on January 22, 2019, its passage, or the language of any provision contained in the Act at any stage of its development in the state legislature.
  3. All records prepared, generated, forwarded, transmitted, sent, shared, saved, received, or reviewed by Governor Andrew Cuomo or his staff, Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul or her staff, or any other Executive Chamber appointee, staff, employee or agent, that are from or regard any person at or on behalf of any Planned Parenthood entity; the National Institute for Reproductive Freedom (NIRF); NARAL Pro-Choice America; National Organization for Women New York (NOW); or, the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) – and which relate to the Reproductive Health Act or its passage in any way.
  4. All records prepared, generated, forwarded, transmitted, sent, shared, saved, received, or reviewed by Governor Andrew Cuomo or his staff, Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul or her staff, or any other Executive Chamber appointee, staff, employee or agent, that concern or regard in any way the impact that the Reproductive Health Act signed into law by Governor Cuomo on January 22, 2019, could, would, or should have on the health, safety or wellbeing of any woman.
  5. All records prepared, generated, forwarded, transmitted, sent, shared, saved, received, or reviewed by any Department of Health appointee, staff, employee or agent, that concern or regard in any way the impact that the Reproductive Health Act signed into law by Governor Cuomo on January 22, 2019, could, would, or should have on the health, safety or wellbeing of any woman.
  6. All records prepared, generated, forwarded, transmitted, sent, shared, saved, received, or reviewed by any New York agency that concern or in any way discuss the Reproductive Health Act signed into law by Governor Cuomo on January 22, 2019, which are not otherwise described in the requests set forth herein.

Abortion advocates have bragged about their achievement in New York, New York legislators cheered and applauded their victory, and Governor Andrew Cuomo had the World Trade Center’s spire lit up with pink.  The abortion juggernaut is boasting about their success in flipping the state’s Senate majority – putting the party that had successfully blocked the RHA for so many years in the minority.

The abortion lobby has executed its plan. But they want more. Even in New York. They openly say so on their websites. They even control Members of the United States Senate, which sadly, couldn’t even unanimously declare that infanticide is wrong and that babies born alive have the right to live.

Abortion advocates are relentless. And at the ACLJ, we will leave no stone unturned.

The light of day must shine on the dark shadows of the abortion industry. The American people must see how extreme abortion advocates really are.  Our records demands will help expose the political corruption of the culture of death.

We expect New York bureaucrats to try to do what all bureaucrats try to do with freedom of information requests – especially when there is something to hide: stall, redact and deny. If and when they do, we will take them to court.  But we need your voice.

You can join our efforts and speak out for life today. Sign our petition today.

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