The state of New York passed one of the most barbaric abortion laws in U.S. history in 2019, essentially making it legal to abort a baby at any stage of pregnancy, up to the moment of birth. It even removes legal protections for babies born alive from botched abortions.
Now other states are trying to do the same thing.
California passed a law that could allow infanticide – preventing even an investigation where a born-alive infant dies up to 28 days AFTER the baby is born. Other states are already trying to do the same.
We’ve assembled our legal team to fight back.
We’re submitting testimony to state legislatures and preparing to send records demands under state sunshine and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) laws to expose Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry’s involvement in these horrific bills.
We’re looking for every possible way to challenge barbaric abortion bills.
We’re mobilizing to ensure that these new laws cannot be used to target pro-life doctors and nurses and force them to perform abortions.
Finally, we’re examining other legal angles as other states look to pass similar laws.
Stand with us to protect these precious babies before it’s too late.