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New York Legislature Passes Bill to End “Cruel and Barbaric” Practice of Cat Declawing While Allowing Children to be Killed Until Moment of Birth


Matthew Clark

June 7, 2019

4 min read




Finally, the state of New York has passed legislation that will protect little innocent lives from needless suffering.

Oh, sorry, not unborn babies. They’re still in grave danger thanks to New York’s barbaric abortion law that allows them to be aborted all the way up to the moment of birth, for any reason.

No, this new bill was just passed by the New York state legislature to protect innocent little kitty cats from what they are calling the “cruel and barbaric” practice of declawing.

As the New York Times reports:

New York lawmakers on Tuesday passed a ban on cat declawing, putting the state on the cusp of being the first to outlaw the procedure.

New York State joins several cities in banning declawing, including Los Angeles and Denver; several other states, including California, New Jersey and Massachusetts, are also considering bans, according to the Humane Society of United States, which hailed the New York bill.

“Declawing is a convenience surgery, with a very high complication rate, that offers no benefit to the cat,” said Brian Shapiro, the group’s New York director, adding that the procedure causes “an increase in biting and litter-box avoidance, which often results in the cat being surrendered to an animal shelter.”

The declawing bill now awaits the signature of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (who is really more of a dog guy); on Tuesday, he said his office would review it. If the bill becomes law, those who violate it could face a $1,000 fine.

In other words, in New York, where unborn babies are not afforded the basic rights of a human being, state legislators have determined, in a bipartisan vote no less, that cats need stricter protection.

The irony is as shocking as it is sick. It’s curious to call declawing a “convenience surgery.” Many cite the reason for having an abortion as not being ready or willing to have a child. So, by that rational abortion is also a “convenience” procedure. Only it completely disregards the inconvenience to one party involved – the human child who it robs of life.

The bill now awaits Governor Andrew Cuomo’s signature, and then residents will no longer have the right to choose to have their cats declawed. On the other hand, killing an unborn baby? That is completely legal in New York, at any time, for any reason. Again, how’s that for irony?

Look, I have nothing against cats (my family had one growing up) or protecting animals, but when the same state that allows the slaughter of children to go unhindered tries to hold the moral flagpole of being the first in the nation to protect cats from declawing, it’s just absurd. It’s sickening really.

This year New York passed one of the most horrific pro-abortion laws in history, putting thousands of defenseless human lives in jeopardy, but it’s going to take a stand to protect cats. In fact, this law is actually to maintain cats’ ability to defend themselves.

This absurdity would be funny, if the reality of it wasn’t so tragic. New York’s extreme abortion law is now inspiring pro-abortion legislators in other states to push similar legislation. And we suspect the influence of Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby are behind these bills, which is why we filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to see just how involved the abortion industry is.

We’re also fighting in court to defund Planned Parenthood.

We’ve already submitted formal public comments and filed amicus briefs in the trial courts when Planned Parenthood and more than 20 pro-abortion states filed lawsuits. Now this critical case to defund Planned Parenthood is going up on appeal, and we’re preparing two key briefs.

Cats can keep their claws. We’re fighting a bigger, more righteous fight, protecting defenseless unborn babies who deserve a chance to live.

To win, we must defund the influential Planned Parenthood before it spreads its extreme abortion agenda across the country, while supporting other states that have bravely stood for life, passing “heartbeat bills” to ban abortion the moment a heartbeat is detected.

Cats develop a natural defense mechanism even before birth. In fact, though soft, kittens’ claws are already extended at birth and can’t be retracted until around four weeks. Cats are actually born ready to protect themselves.

Sadly, unborn babies are completely defenseless, so they need us to protect them. Sign our petition today.

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