Nearly a million babies are killed every year through abortions.

Their precious heartbeats are stopped in devastating ways.

Some states are expanding abortion all the way until a baby’s first breath; others are promoting infanticide.

But many states are passing vital pro-life laws to protect babies. Some ban abortion as soon as a heartbeat can be detected.

At the ACLJ, our legal teams have been working with state legislatures to craft these bills that will help save countless unborn babies’ lives.

Yet Hollywood elites have vowed to boycott Georgia over its new heartbeat law. The pro-abortion ACLU and Planned Parenthood are challenging these vital heartbeat laws in court.

We are ready to fight back, preparing to file briefs to defend heartbeat laws, and working with legislators in other states to pass new heartbeat bills.

Take action with us to save precious babies and defend lifesaving laws.

Petition To Protect Babies and Defend Heartbeat Bills



Protect Babies. Defend Heartbeat Bills.

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