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President Biden May Have Bowed Out of the Presidential Race, But He Is Not a Hero


Jordan Sekulow

July 24

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This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

Those are the closing words of the venerable American poet T.S. Eliot’s famous poem, “The Hollow Men.” President Biden couldn’t appear more hollow than he does at this moment in history.

Despite an embarrassing debate performance against President Donald Trump and most polls predicting disaster in November, Biden defiantly proclaimed he was in it to win it. But then came a parade of high-ranking Democrats and formerly supportive celebrities – who only weeks before assured us that Biden was as competent, alert, and spry as ever – turning on him faster than Judas, Brutus, and Fredo Corleone combined, calling for the President to step down.

Now, in a simple open letter to America, President Joe Biden has left the race for reelection – with little more than a whimper. And the same powerful Democrats who were just calling for him to quit are lionizing Joe for giving up, calling him a patriot and a hero. That makes about as much sense as calling an arsonist a firefighter.

But putting Biden’s abysmal presidency aside for a moment, it’s curious that in his statement, Biden thanked Vice President Kamala Harris but stopped short of actually endorsing her. It wasn’t until later in the day that he posted his support for Harris:

Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala [Harris] to be the nominee of our party this year.

One has to wonder why President Biden didn’t endorse his Vice President in his official letter. After all, it will now be part of his political legacy, appearing in history books and publications from now until the end of time. Instead, he chose to endorse her on social media, where it will be slowly pushed down and forgotten over time. Actually, maybe one needn’t wonder why after all.

Nonetheless, many high-profile Dems, including Bill and Hillary Clinton and two rumored contenders for the Democrat nominee spot, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and California Governor Gavin Newsom, publicly threw their support behind Harris. Many on the Left seem ready to simply plug in the Vice President and move forward.

Though it shouldn’t be surprising. Time is short. And let’s be honest: The radical Left has made it clear that when the chips are down and polls indicate that their candidate has less chance of staying afloat than a bowling ball on the Titanic, they will toss democracy overboard and scramble for the lifeboats.

Strangely, the one powerful Democrat who the world might expect to endorse Harris has thus far not done so. President Barack Obama posted that Biden is a “patriot of the highest order” for stepping down. Obama also released a statement praising Biden’s exit but made no mention of Harris:

We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August. And I expect that every single one of us are prepared to carry that message of hope and progress forward into November and beyond.

It seems now that because Joe Biden has officially fallen on his sword, many of the same duplicitous colleagues who stabbed him in the back last week are now propping him back up and calling him a hero. Fellow career-politician Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) took to social media shortly after the announcement and posted that Biden is a “true patriot,” adding he was “a great president and a great legislative leader.” Pay no attention to the numerous reports claiming Schumer pressured Biden to drop out.

And we told you how, behind closed doors, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (CA-11) told Biden he had no shot at winning and needed to go. Yet the day he finally pulled himself out of contention, Pelosi publicly called Biden “one of the most consequential Presidents in American history.”

Don’t be fooled by the disingenuous attempts of the radical Left to sanctify Joe Biden. He’s not noble for stepping aside. Quitting doesn’t make him a patriot. Biden’s inept and dangerous policies have inflicted major damage on our constitutional republic and needlessly cost innocent lives, no matter how the Left tries to reshape his legacy.

The ACLJ has filed numerous lawsuits against President Biden and his corrupt Administration over the last four years. We filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request against the Biden-Harris Administration, demanding accountability for his botched Afghanistan evacuation that cost the lives of 13 U.S. servicemen and women. Never forget that during the recent debate, Biden looked straight into a camera and brazenly claimed that no U.S. troops died under his Administration, a slap in the faces of those brave soldiers’ families. That is not what a great President does.

We filed FOIAs over Biden’s unwillingness to secure the southern border, which has resulted in a flood of undocumented migrants disappearing into our country and posing very real threats to innocent Americans (and making the nightly news harder to watch). And don’t forget early on in his Administration, Biden placed VP Harris in charge of the border, and look where we are. Now she wants to be President.

And we took legal action over the Biden-Harris Administration’s unconscionable weaponization of federal agencies to attack Christians, targeting churches and strangling the constitutional religious freedoms of Christian Americans. Christians mustn’t forget the continual assault on their religious liberties for the past four years.

Biden also violated the Taylor-Force Act, which strictly prohibits providing funding to terrorists by resuming federal aid to the Palestinian Authority, knowing full well they will use that money to incentivize terrorist attacks on Israelis and American soldiers. And don’t forget it was Biden who gave billions of American tax dollars to Iran, the number one state sponsor of terrorism. And as a result, Iran funded Hamas’ barbaric Oct. 7 attack on Israel. The blood of many innocent Israelis and others, including American citizens, is on his hands.

Biden is not a hero. He may be trying to slip out gracefully, but he must answer for his failures. In fact, despite his own claims that it was a blow to democracy, Biden should thank his lucky stars for the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity.

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