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Pelosi Moves To Remove Biden as J.D. Vance Unites RNC

Pelosi Moves To Remove Biden as J.D. Vance Unites RNC


Jordan Sekulow

July 18

5 min read




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As the Republican Party unites around President Donald Trump and his newly confirmed pick for Vice President, J.D. Vance, at the 2024 Republican Convention, the Democrat Party continues to divide itself over President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is now making moves behind the scenes to get Biden to step down. Will it work?

CNN reports on Pelosi’s subversive efforts:

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that Biden could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term, according to four sources briefed on the call.

So Pelosi’s meeting with Biden took place last Friday – before the attempted assassination of President Trump. Yesterday the reports came out that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had a similar meeting with Biden, and Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-30) publicly called for Biden to step down. And now Axios is reporting that several Democrat leaders believe that Biden will exit the race.

A change could be forthcoming. At first, I thought Biden would be safe if he survived the Fourth of July holiday. However, it appears as though time might be running out for the Biden campaign.

On the other hand, while the Democrats splinter, unity has been the clear focus of the Republican Party. There’s been an undeniably different tone permeating the RNC this year due to the recent assassination attempt on Trump and the emotional response from the crowd. I believe that his speech will be massively viewed around the world tonight because it’s his first public comments after almost losing his life.

Last night’s RNC featured the speech of President Trump’s VP choice: Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. Trump’s pick is very strategic based on Vance’s background from the Rust Belt, as captured in Vance’s famous Hillbilly Elegy (and subsequent Hollywood film). Vance will resonate with voters in that part of the country.

One of the most moving parts of Vance’s speech included celebrating his mother’s 10 years of sobriety. So many families in America can relate to the heartbreaking consequences of addiction – especially with the devastating rise in fentanyl deaths in recent years. This moment surely hit home with millions of voters.

Also notable is the fact that Vance is the first millennial to be on a presidential ticket. His unique perspective allows him to connect all the mistakes of Washington elites he’s witnessed his whole life to what he wants to accomplish in office.

Millennials born in the 1980s saw what prosperity could be like in America in the 1990s, but they also saw how the poor economic decisions of the ruling class affected everyday Americans.

Vance made this point explicitly by noting how Senator Joe Biden had consistently been a part of poor policies that had wrecked the lives of his community:

Now, Joe Biden has been a politician in Washington for longer than I’ve been alive. Thirty-nine years old. . . .

For half-a-century, he’s been the champion of every major policy initiative to make America weaker and poorer.

And in four short years, Donald Trump reversed decades of betrayals inflicted by Joe Biden and the rest of the corrupt Washington insiders.

Later, Vance slammed Biden’s support of NAFTA and a “sweetheart trade deal” with China, both of which happened when Vance was in fourth grade and tenth grade. Vance blamed both decisions for jobs being sent overseas and manufacturing jobs in his community shutting down.

Vance has drawn a line between himself and the corrupt Washington insiders, which Biden exemplifies. And we can’t forget what the Washington insiders have done to President Trump, opposing his policies every step of the way for four years, impeaching him twice, and trying to put him in jail.

Vance then proclaimed the agenda he will help enforce: to stop “catering to Wall Street,” to stop relying on foreign energy, and to bring American jobs back so we can “stamp more and more products with that beautiful label, ‘Made in the U.S.A.’” Vance is clearly focused on improving the economic status of all Americans, subverting the far-Left narrative that conservatives only care about the top 1%.

It’s going to be fascinating to see how Trump and Vance face off against the Democrat Party. But as the RNC wraps up, the question lingers: Will President Biden remain the nominee?

Today’s Sekulow broadcast included a full analysis of former Speaker of the House trying to get President Biden to end his campaign. We also broke down Vance’s stirring speech. ACLJ Senior Counsel for International and Government Affairs Jeff Ballabon joined the show to discuss the RNC’s support of Israel, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo previewed President Trump’s speech.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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