Prayers for Peace on Earth Desperately Needed for Christians in Syria, Ukraine, and China This Christmas

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Christmas has always been a special time for the Pompeo family.  It is a time when we can come together – Susan, my wife, and I with our son, Nick, and his wife, Rachael (and of course, the many dogs among all of us!) – and share precious and joyful moments together.  Indeed, if you went to any town or city across America and could look into the houses, you’d find the same joy and warmth that makes each holiday season special.  But Christmas is also special to our family for another, even more important reason: As Christians, Christmas is a reminder that Light has come into a dark world.  The miracle of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem changed the world forever, and I believe that He remains our greatest hope despite the many challenges we face today.  I am grateful each day – but in particular over the coming weeks – that we live in a nation where we can celebrate that miracle freely and openly.  This year, we should remember the families who don’t enjoy the same freedom and lift them up in prayer.

Our prayers should begin with Christian communities in Syria.  During my time as Secretary of State, we brought to an end the horrific ISIS caliphate that had inflicted unimaginable crimes on Christians across Syria and Iraq, as well as on other religious groups.  While the Islamic State’s territorial defeat was a major step, the remnants of its brutal persecution remain, and the fall of Bashar al-Assad is likely to invite even greater persecution of Christians in the country.  This is why it is so important for the United States to continue working with Israel, the only truly pluralistic nation in the Middle East that offers full religious freedom.  In the first Trump Administration, we prioritized religious freedom because it is deeply tied to global stability, prosperity, and freedom.  Pray that Christians in Syria do not suffer further terror and hardship in the coming weeks and months, and pray for our leaders to defend the faithful.

In Ukraine, the ongoing war with Russia has brought new challenges to religious freedom. While at home, Vladimir Putin has cast himself as a righteous defender of Christianity, his Russian military has actively sought to destroy the presence of the Church in Ukraine.  More than 500 churches have been destroyed or seriously damaged by Russia’s forces since the invasion began in 2022.  Orthodox churches loyal to God, rather than to Putin’s regime, have faced closures, their clergy members have been arrested, and their worshipers have been intimidated. Indeed, Russia has treated Protestant and Russian Orthodox clergy alike – as little more than spies, jailing them for preaching a Gospel that is not subservient to the Kremlin.  This assault on religious freedom is part of a broader strategy to erode Ukraine’s very identity and sovereignty, making the defense of faith and religious freedom all the more important. The Biden Administration failed both the American people and Ukrainians by failing to meaningfully assist Ukraine in its fight with Russia.  I hope the incoming Trump team is able to quickly reach a negotiated solution that brings peace – and upholds religious freedom.

Finally, in China, the suppression of religious expression has reached levels not previously imagined. The Chinese government has detained more than a million Uyghur Muslims in the largest concentration camps ever built.  Simultaneously, Christian churches of all denominations face increasing restrictions.  The papacy’s broken deal with the Chinese Communist Party means only bishops faithful to the communist regime are appointed.  Many Protestant churches face the removal of crosses, demolition, and the forced integration of Communist Party propaganda into Scripture. These actions amount to a deep, systematic effort to ultimately destroy religious freedom.  Pray for believers in China, many of whom will be celebrating the birth of the Savior in hidden places known only to God.

As you lift up your prayers for those who need them most, remember this: Christmas stands as a reminder that there is always hope.  Far above the wicked rulers who always try to dominate the earth, there sits a Judge and Protector who is great and good beyond measure.  From the Pompeo family to yours, have a wonderful and Merry Christmas, and may God keep and protect His flock in every corner of our world.

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