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2018 Victories: Exposing the Deep State’s Role in Effort to “Replace the Government” of Israel



November 23, 2018

3 min read




This is the latest installment in a year-end series looking back at some of the numerous victories by the ACLJ in 2018.

The ACLJ has filed numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to unearth massive corruption within the Deep State bureaucracy, including attempts to “replace the government” of Israel.

In one of our cases in federal court, we uncovered that Yasser Mahmoud Abbas – son of Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas – was a senior leader of an anti-Israel group that the Obama State Department was directly funding.  In fact, your tax dollars helped launch a multimillion dollar campaign to unseat the Prime Minister and “replace the government” of Israel.

This known anti-Israel group told the Obama State Department that it planned to engage in electioneering, yet the Obama Administration gave the organization the money anyway. Worse yet, the State Department, which was fully aware of this group’s nefarious intentions, imposed no restrictions on the grant.

In July 2016 we issued a FOIA request to the Obama State Department, however it refused to give us any information. We were forced to file a federal lawsuit to compel compliance with the law. We ultimately won and a year later, under court order, the State Department finally began to give us the truth.

It’s no surprise the Obama Administration and the Deep State were reluctant to share the truth, as we discovered it had given U.S. taxpayer dollars to an organization run by the son of a terrorist-affiliated organization, as it sought to unseat the democratically elected leader of the only free democracy in the Middle East and a vital U.S. ally.

After we helped expose this massive misuse of our tax dollars, both the President and Congress acted to cut off funding to the terrorist-affiliated Palestinian Authority so long as they continue to aid terror organizations that seek to attack and destroy our great ally Israel.  

It is only because of your support that we were able to expose the truth about the anti-Israel Obama State Department and the terrorist-affiliated Palestinian Authority.

To help the ACLJ continue to have the resources we need to make these victories possible and continue these fights, please consider making a Tax-Deductible donation to the ACLJ through our year-end Matching Challenge. Your gift will be DOUBLED dollar-for-dollar through the end of the year.

You can read more in the ACLJ’s 2018 Victories series here.

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