Continue Victories for Faith & Freedom – Deadline Looming - Gifts Doubled

Continue Victories for Liberty – Deadline Looming - Gifts Doubled


2021 has been a year of significant victories.

The ACLJ is only able to continue defending the lives of unborn babies at the Supreme Court, religious liberty, persecuted Christians globally, our heritage as a nation, the interests of our ally Israel, our Constitution, and so much more through your generous support. We urgently need your vital Tax-Deductible gift to continue these victories as we face the critical challenges of the year ahead.

Donate today and it will be DOUBLED, dollar-for-dollar, through our Matching Challenge.

A Tax-Deductible gift today will be matched, dollar for dollar, by a group of ACLJ Members. Every $10 gift becomes $20 for the work of the ACLJ.
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