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2017 Victories: Defeating Deep State Obama-Era Lawlessness in Federal Court


ACLJ Staff Writers

December 15, 2017

This is the latest installment in a year-end series looking back at a few of the numerous victories by the ACLJ in 2017.

After the secret meeting between then-Attorney General Lynch and former President Clinton took place as Hillary Clinton was under criminal investigation, our Government Accountability Project took swift and decisive legal action.

We filed legal demands with the Obama DOJ and Comey-led FBI.  The Obama DOJ ignored our legal requests in violation of federal law. The Comey-led FBI lied to us, claiming it had “no” documents.

We filed lawsuits in federal court, and this year we got answers, exposing even more corruption and deep state lies.

First, we obtained more than 400 pages of documents from the DOJ. We unmasked Loretta Lynch’s secret email alias, “Elizabeth Carlisle.” We uncovered a scrambling DOJ colluding with the media, the White House, and the FBI to bury the story. And we uncovered that the FBI lied to us; they did have responsive documents.

Within days of us breaking the story and excoriating the FBI for their lies, the FBI “reopened” our case. Yet instead of complying with they law, the FBI bureaucracy further delayed, forcing us to go back to federal court. Through our lawsuit, we obtained dozens more documents from the FBI. In the documents they handed over, we then discovered the DOJ lied to us as well, failing to include key documents in its supposedly “full production.” Now, we are back in court to hold the deep state accountable.

In a another of our cases, we forced the FBI to publicly release all records relating to FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement exonerating Hillary Clinton from criminal liability, months before even interviewing her or a dozen other key witnesses.

These are tremendous victories for public accountability. Yet many of the documents from the FBI and DOJ have been heavily redacted. We’re going back to court to get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

With your support, we can hold our government and the out-of-control deep state accountable.

To help the ACLJ continue to have the resources we need to make these victories possible and continue these fights, please consider making a Tax-Deductible donation to the ACLJ through our year-end Matching Challenge. Your gift will be DOUBLED dollar-for-dollar through the end of the year.

You can read more in the ACLJ’s 2017 Victories series here.

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