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Colorado Supreme Court Kicks Trump Off the Ballot – What’s Next?

Colorado Supreme Court Kicks Trump Off the Ballot – What’s Next?


Jordan Sekulow

December 20, 2023

4 min read

Election Law



The Colorado Supreme Court shockingly agreed with the far Left’s twisting of the 14th Amendment and ruled to remove President Trump from the ballot before the 2024 presidential election.

The ACLJ is representing the Colorado Republican Party in this case, and we will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court next week. We will aggressively fight to ensure that election integrity prevails.

We initially won in Colorado when the trial court ruled that President Trump couldn’t be removed from the ballot based on the far Left’s radical interpretation of the 14th Amendment.

But all that changed yesterday when the Colorado Supreme Court announced its narrow 4-3 decision. Here is what the state justices concluded:

The district court erred by concluding that Section Three does not apply to the President. We therefore reverse the district court’s judgment. . . . Accordingly, we conclude that because President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three, it would be a wrongful act under the Election Code for the Secretary to list President Trump as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot. Therefore, the Secretary may not list President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot, nor may she count any write-in votes cast for him.

So what does this mean if you’re in a state like Michigan (where a judge ruled in our favor as we represented 15 state GOPS) and the Michigan state Supreme Court decides to follow the Colorado state justices’ logic? It could quickly spread to numerous states, which is why our appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court is so critical.

Inside the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling is a very important clause that states that if the case is appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court by January 4, then President Trump will remain on the ballot until the U.S. Supreme Court takes action.

We will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, urging the Justices to adhere to a proper interpretation of the Constitution. Especially since President Trump has never been charged with nor convicted of insurrection.

Rest assured that the ACLJ will be ready for our biggest Supreme Court case in years.

I need to make another point about this case. One of the bedrocks of our Constitution is due process. But the far Left’s 14th Amendment argument completely disregards due process by declaring Trump illegible from holding public office for crimes he’s never been convicted of.

How does this failure to uphold the rule of law make the U.S. look to the world? Upon hearing the Colorado news, the President of El Salvador proclaimed: “The United States has lost its ability to lecture any other country about ‘democracy.’" Don’t doubt that other countries will try to take advantage if they perceive the U.S. to be weak.

We must remain a beacon of democracy to the world. That’s why this case is so vitally important.

My dad, ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow, is in D.C. right now for work involving Israel. He called in to explain the ramifications of the Colorado ruling:

First of all, . . . it’s taking away the right of citizens to vote for the candidate of their choice. I mean, this is an absurd ruling. You talk about election interference – this is election interference of a magnitude we’ve never seen. Having said that, this is what it means. We have a full team on this – probably eight lawyers right now – that is working on this. And we’ll be [working] through the holiday and into the beginning of the year. . . The next 10 days are going to be critical in this case.

Folks, the holidays are going to be extremely busy for us. But we will be working diligently to preserve your right to vote for the candidate of your choice.

We can’t win this monumental Supreme Court case without your help. We are in the waning days of our Faith & Freedom Year-End Drive. Every gift you make is doubled – donate today to fund our legal efforts.

Today’s Sekulow provided a full analysis of the Colorado Supreme Court’s outrageous decision. Colorado GOP Chairman Dave Williams and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also joined the show to react to the Colorado ruling.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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