Defending the Right of Americans To Vote for the Candidate of Their Choice

Trump v. Anderson; Colorado Republican State Central Committee v. Anderson; Anderson v. Griswold; Castro v. Warner; Castro v. Ziriax; Perry-Bey v. Donald Trump; Newcomb v. Gray
Defending the Right of Americans To Vote for the Candidate of Their Choice

The brazen attempt to keep America's voters from having the opportunity to vote for former President Donald Trump if they so choose has reached new levels. This time, the tactic is to misappropriate the 14th Amendment. As we have talked about already, the Left is desperate to keep Donald Trump off the ballot in various key states by arguing that an obscure provision of the 14th Amendment disqualifies Donald Trump from even running from office. It has now progressed past mere scholarly debate, interviews, and articles and has reached the courts. The ACLJ has now entered the fray to defend the Constitution, the fundamental right to vote, and the integrity of our elections.

We are pleased to announce the ACLJ now represents the Colorado Republican Committee, which seeks to preserve its right to present to the voters the people it chooses as candidates. This case represents an unprecedented assault on Americans' constitutional right to vote, and we are taking urgent legal action to fight back. We filed a motion to intervene in the lawsuit on the Republican Committee's behalf.

The ACLJ now represents the Republican Parties of CO, WV, OK, and VA.

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