‘In God We Trust’ is Under Attack
Breaking news again . . . our National Motto has come under attack.
The National Motto of the United States of America is: “In God We Trust.” Now you may not have even known about that. You may not have even known what our National Motto is as it's not something we often discuss in our country. But it is under attack.
There are groups out there, atheist organizations; I like to call them angry atheist organizations because not every atheist or agnostic person out there wants to take any reference to our Judeo-Christian heritage out of American thought or out of our currency or from our National Motto.
“In God We Trust” has been our national motto since 1956. Since 1956 there have been these various groups out there who say that they just want freedom from religion – not freedom of, but freedom from, religion. They try to take down this motto, to get rid of this motto, to abolish this motto. But what we now see is that because of our fight – sometimes it seems outrageous that we even have to fight but we do for our national motto “In God We Trust” – these cases ultimately get dismissed, that they're not they're not getting very far right now.
Sometimes they'll find a district court judge, maybe even a court of appeals, to rule their way. But in fact, recently, the Supreme Court just dismissed a challenge to having “In God We Trust” on our currency, on the money, on the bills you may have in your pocket right now. If you still carry any actual hard currency it says “In God We Trust” on there, I promise you; go check it out if you don't believe me. Right now you can take a look.
They were challenging that saying it somehow violated the First Amendment to our Constitution which prohibits Congress from establishing a religion. Now in saying, “In God We Trust,” I think if you are a religious person you realize it's not establishing your religion. It's not specific enough to establish a religion. It's acknowledging our Judeo-Christian heritage as a country. It's like our Pledge of Allegiance: “One Nation under God.” This motto, like our pledge, is consistently under attack in our nation's courts.
We're talking about modern times, I'm not talking about the 1980s. I'm talking about the Supreme Court in 2019 having to dismiss a case trying to remove from our currency the phrase, our National Motto, “In God We Trust.”
We actually have to fight it. We just fought at the Supreme Court and you can do something now. At ACLJ.org there's a petition to stand up for our national motto. It may sound absurd that we're having to do that. But we really do. And we have to actually fight for our National Motto. We have to fight for “In God We Trust,” and we have to make sure that some unelected judge somewhere doesn't try to strike it from our currency. We have to take it seriously.
There's a lot going on in the world but you have to take these legal challenges seriously, so sign our petition today and stand up for our National Motto.
I hope this has gotten you a little bit more educated on what our National Motto is in the United States and that it's under attack. If “In God We Trust” is under attack ask yourself this:
What's coming under attack next?