Far Left Unhinged on Air After Trump Address
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In arguably the most touching moment of his joint address to Congress last night, President Donald Trump surprised DJ Daniel, a 13-year-old brain cancer survivor, with being named an honorary Secret Service agent. And now MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace and Rachel Maddow are facing heavy criticism for politicizing Trump’s special gesture.
Remember that, technically, it was not a State of the Union address last night. But at an hour and forty minutes, Trump gave the longest address to a joint session of Congress in U.S. history. Unsurprisingly, the far Left had a total meltdown both during the speech and afterward.
The outrageous lack of decorum began early during Trump’s speech when Rep. Al Green (TX-9) had to be removed from the proceedings. And throughout the night other far-Left lawmakers stormed out and heckled Trump.
Much of the antics were as expected, but you’d think both sides could celebrate some unifying moments. One such instance should have been DJ Daniel receiving a badge. Still, even then, the far Left remained silent for the most part in the House chamber – until media members like Maddow and Wallace politicized it afterward.
Here’s what Maddow said last night:
For the record, and this is disgusting, the president made a spectacle out of praising a young man who thus far survived pediatric cancer, as if the president had something to do with that. . . . The DOGE cuts, among other things, have cut off funding for ongoing research into pediatric cancer.
And then Wallace later stated:
I let myself feel joy about DJ, and I hope he’s alive for another, you know, 95 years and I hope he lives the life he wants to live. He wants to be a cop. He knows what he wants to do, and maybe when you have childhood cancer, that crystallizes for you. I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer. . . . But I hope he never has to defend the United States Capitol against Donald Trump’s supporters, and if he does, I hope he isn’t one of the six who loses his life to suicide.
I don’t say this lightly: It was truly disgusting to witness MSNBC politicizing a sweet moment in such a vile fashion. The reaction embodies the universal, deranged hatred that the mainstream media has for Trump and conservatives.
And what was the catalyst for telling DJ’s story? Trump pointed out that they believe his cancer began because of exposure to toxins in his environment. So the White House wants to take the initiative to remove such toxins and combat childhood cancer. Yet that’s supposed to be a divisive issue.
Don’t let the mainstream media and the Left tell you that conservatives are dividing this country. Last night displayed publicly the far Left’s contempt for Trump and the American people.
And the American people made their opinions known about Trump’s speech. According to CBS (no friend of Trump), 76% of those surveyed approved of the speech. Also, CNN’s poll showed that 69% reacted positively. So the media and the far-Left Members of Congress are not representative of most U.S. citizens.
We are also seeing the media spread false narratives about Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs). In Massachusetts, a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-funded media blitz is lying about the lifesaving services of PRCs.
It’s an abortion propaganda virus that will spread to every state if we don’t stop it. If the people of Massachusetts who believe in the sanctity of life can’t rely on their government to respect their beliefs, we will, and we are taking action on their behalf. That’s why we launched our own multimedia counter-campaign to expose what we’re calling “mass deception.”
This multitiered campaign utilizes print, television, and digital advertising to combat the blatant lies of the Massachusetts smear campaign with truth and lifesaving information and resources. We may not be able to silence the deep pockets of the Massachusetts abortion lobby, but we can drown out their lies with the truth. On top of that, we also filed a lawsuit to stop the mass deception.
Check out our website dedicated to this fight for PRCs. Donate to our Life & Liberty Drive to join our fight – gifts are doubled. Also, sign our petition to raise your voice for PRCs.
Today’s Sekulow broadcast included a full analysis of the despicable post-speech comments by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Nicolle Wallace.
Watch the full broadcast below: