ACLJ Launches MASSIVE New Counter-Campaign To Defend Pro-Life Pregnancy Resource Centers From State-Sponsored Smear Campaign
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The ACLJ is committed to fighting for the lives of innocent unborn babies as well as the rights of desperate mothers and pro-life healthcare workers wherever we are needed. That’s why we are proud to announce the launch of our biggest multimedia campaign to defend unborn babies, mothers, and pro-life healthcare professionals.
Late last year we found out that the state of Massachusetts was launching a state-sponsored smear campaign designed to paint pro-life pregnancy centers, also known as Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs), as dangerous and deceptive.
A far-Left state government has partnered with a radical pro-abortion organization, using tax dollars to smear pro-life centers and pressure women into getting abortions.
As we told you previously, this despicable campaign labels PRCs as “anti-abortion centers” and uses deceptive advertising to warn unsuspecting pregnant women of a litany of bogus dangers awaiting them should they step behind a PRC’s doors, claiming they pose a threat to women’s health and well-being.
In other words, they’re accusing PRCs of the very heinous practices that abortion clinics are ACTUALLY GUILTY of committing. But as we’ve seen time and time again, the anti-life radical Left and abortion lobby never let facts get in the way of a good “abortion distortion.” And put yourself in the shoes of a young, scared pregnant woman who’s alone, desperately looking for help and direction and trying to separate the truth from the lies.
The Massachusetts government is not just complicit but actively funding the massive media blitz against what they’re calling “anti-abortion centers.” I can’t even imagine how I’d react if my state were to initiate this type of horrendous offensive against lifesaving PRCs and use my tax dollars to pay for it. To say I’d be livid would be an understatement.
It’s ironic that the state, known for a grand act of rebellion against taxation without representation, is now willfully disregarding the feelings of its own pro-life citizens. But this should come as little surprise considering Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey made her commitment to the abortion machine very clear, stating:
In Massachusetts, we are committed to protecting and expanding access to safe and legal abortion. . . . That includes protecting patients from the deceptive and dangerous tactics that anti-abortion centers often use to stop people from accessing comprehensive reproductive services. This campaign is an important way to provide accurate information so residents can make informed decisions about reproductive care that are right for them.
Pro-life PRCs are saving babies’ lives and supporting women, while the abortion industry is trying to unlawfully shut them down. It’s an abortion propaganda virus that will spread to every state if we don’t stop it. If the people of Massachusetts who believe in the sanctity of life can’t rely on their government to respect their beliefs, we will, and we are taking action on their behalf. That’s why we are launching our own multimedia counter-campaign to expose what we’re calling “mass deception.”
This multi-tiered campaign will utilize print, television, and digital advertising to combat the blatant lies of the Massachusetts smear campaign with truth and lifesaving information and resources. We may not be able to silence the deep pockets of the Massachusetts abortion lobby, but we can drown out their lies with the truth. We’ve even produced a series of original television commercials supporting PRCs that share stories of hope and opportunity. Women, babies, and families in Massachusetts need us to battle back against dangerous misinformation and deception.
And if you’re wondering why you should be concerned about what’s happening in another state, rest assured: If this campaign proves to be successful for abortionists in Massachusetts, a similar campaign will appear in your home state – and your taxes will be paying for it.
Thankfully, through the support of ACLJ Members and ACLJ Champions, we have created this massive counter-initiative from the ground up to help spread the truth and offer real hope to expectant mothers in need. This campaign, "Choice Begins Here" will blanket the entire state of Massachusetts to promote the good work – the lifesaving work – of pro-life centers. To view the campaign and learn more go to:
Together, we can defend PRCs and save babies. Help us spread the truth and combat the misinformation today.