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President Obama Veto Forces You to Give Another $500 Million to Planned Parenthood Abortion


Matthew Clark

January 8, 2016

4 min read




He’s the most pro-abortion President in history, and today he once again proved that he cares more about the industry of death than just about anything else.

President Obama has just vetoed a bill defunding Planned Parenthood – the largest abortion provider in America – and repealing key portions of pro-abortion ObamaCare.

Earlier this week Congress overwhelmingly passed these two critical pro-life measures, making it the first major pro-life piece of legislation ever placed on President Obama’s desk.

Today, President Obama (unsurprisingly) vetoed this bill.  The result, a more than half billion dollar taxpayer-funded windfall for big abortion.  As I noted earlier this week, this total marks a significant raise for Planned Parenthood over previous years, all supported by you and me – the taxpayers.

Yet, Planned Parenthood actually significantly decreased the supposed “care” it provides to women while getting this nifty little taxpayer bump.  As I explained:

Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report shows that it took in more than $553,700,000 in taxpayer funding.  That’s a nice 5% increase in taxpayer funding, while providing 11% fewer “services.”

So Planned Parenthood got a significant raise for doing less work. . . .

In fact, Planned Parenthood’s own report shows a nearly 25% drop in non-reproductive health care services provided to women.

That’s staggering.  Yet, Planned Parenthood has had no trouble exploiting its abortion-centric business model to bilk the taxpayer of millions more dollars.

Now, that astounding taxpayer windfall is further insulated with President Obama’s veto.

It’s as devastating as it was obviously predictable.  Of course the most pro-abortion President in history was going to veto a bill defunding the organization that proudly proclaims he is their “champion.”

But in the face of disappointment, and we in the pro-life community have seen our unfair share, should we despair?  No.

As with most change, it is to be won in increments.  It’s not something conservatives often understand very well (and something the Left has perfected).  The only way to defund Planned Parenthood is to pass a bill and have it signed by the President – obviously.  This vote was important because it put Members of Congress (and the President for that matter) on record.

As Planned Parenthood’s approval drastically declines and the American people become more and more aware that Planned Parenthood is NOT a 3% abortion provider, as it contends, but instead an abortion behemoth – a business modeled on making money off of abortion – it is more important than ever to keep the pressure up.  Now we know who will support funding the abortion giant and who is willing to stop forcing the American taxpayer to send their money to the abortion industry.  We also know the legislative mechanism that can get an abortion bill on the President’s desk (granted there are other and probably better, more effective ways to do it).  Elections have consequences, plain and simple.

But this fight isn’t over.  There will be another vote, likely in just a couple of weeks as the March For Life takes place in Washington, DC (the anniversary of Roe v. Wade) – a chance to override President Obama’s veto.  It’s a critical opportunity to solidify congressional support to end the practice of forcing the American people to fund the industry of death.

Now is not the time to waver or relinquish the fight.  Now is the time to renew the fight for life.  We’ve gotten closer than we have in the last 7 years.  That means something.  It’s momentum, and something to build off of.  No fight worth fighting is easily won, and the fight for life is no exception.

This article is crossposted at RedState.com.

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