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New Zealand Seeks to Join North Korea, China, Vietnam, and Handful of Other Countries to Allow Barbaric Late Term Abortions – Here’s What You Can Do


Olivia Summers

September 17, 2019

4 min read




Under the guise of “modernising,” New Zealand is considering adopting a proposed Abortion Legislation Bill. Abortion in New Zealand is currently allowed only in limited situations where the mother’s life or health is in danger, in cases of serious fetal abnormalities, or if the pregnancy is a result of incest. The Proposed Bill would legalize and drastically expand abortion. It would strip away protections, not only for unborn babies, but also for healthcare providers who object on conscientious grounds to abortion.

Similar to the extremely expansive abortion bill we saw pass in New York earlier this year, it would allow abortion up to birth – adding New Zealand to the list of 7 countries (including North Korea, China, Vietnam, and the United States) that allow late term abortions.

As part of the law making process, New Zealand is accepting comments either in favor of, or opposition to the bill from its citizens, as well as from anyone around the world. The ACLJ is taking this opportunity to submit a public comment on behalf of itself and its members encouraging New Zealand to continue to value and protect innocent human life.

There is a growing global abortion epidemic as an estimated 56 million babies are aborted every year worldwide. We must be their voice.

Speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves all around the world is part of our mission. You also can make your voice heard and can act to protect the lives of these precious unborn babies in New Zealand. We encourage each of you to take the time to submit your own comment at this link using the following text:

To Whom It May Concern,

I write to oppose the proposed Abortion Legislation Bill, as New Zealand’s long standing position of protecting life, including the unborn should not be altered.

Abortion is one of the gravest of all offenses against human life and against justice because it entails the deliberate killing of an innocent human being. It is an indisputable scientific fact that the unborn child is a distinct biological organism, is alive, and belongs to the species homo sapiens. Thus, any justification of abortion, (aside from the extremely rare life vs. life situations where a mother is at serious risk of dying from continuing the pregnancy) fundamentally rests on the proposition that some members of the human race do not have even the most basic of human rights, the right to live. That proposition is incompatible with the very notion of human rights.

Not only does this proposed Bill take away protections for innocent human babies, it withdraws protections for conscientious objectors in the healthcare industry who believe that abortion is wrong. Forcing such people to in any way participate in an abortion is a violation of their consciences – recognized in international law as the freedom of religion or belief which protects conscience rights.

This proposed Bill must not pass. New Zealand must continue to protect innocent lives. Instead of pushing laws that harm unborn babies and women, New Zealand should seek to protect these vulnerable human beings. Furthermore, New Zealand should continue to protect the consciences of those healthcare professionals who believe that life is sacred, that abortion is wrong, instead of forcing them to be complicit in abortion.

I respectfully and wholeheartedly oppose the adoption of this Bill.

UPDATE 9.18.2019: The ACLJ just submitted its public comment opposing New Zealand’s proposed Abortion Legislation Bill. As we stated in our submission: “New Zealand has a long standing position of protecting life. But now, in an effort to “modernise” the laws protecting life, this bill seeks to decriminalize the taking of an innocent life, while entirely disregarding scientific evidence and common sense. What New Zealand inherently knew throughout its history – that a developing baby has a right to life that deserves protection – it now can confirm with scientific advancements. So in reality, this bill actually relies on outdated information and sentiment, which entirely contradicts the alleged purpose of modernization. Therefore, this bill must not be adopted.”

There is still time for you to submit your own comment opposing New Zealand’s Abortion Legislation Bill in support of children in the womb.

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