Bill Maher and the Far Left Finally Admit That Abortion Is Murder


William Case

April 22

3 min read

Pro Life



“Safe, legal, and rare.”

That was the banner under which the Left used to justify abortion in the early 1990s and was championed by President Bill Clinton. However, in 2024, reality now reflects a sentiment more like “Not even safe for the mother, legal even after birth, and extremely common.”

Conservatives, on the other hand, have long maintained that abortion equates to murdering an innocent life in the womb. But for the first time, mainstream leftists are abandoning their linguistic gymnastics to agree that abortion is, indeed, murder. And they want more of it.

Comedian Bill Maher stunned his guest panel – and the crowd – on a recent episode of Real Time when the conversation turned to abortion:

I scold the Left when they say, “Oh, you know what, they just hate women – people who aren’t pro-choice.” They don’t hate women. They just made that up. They think it’s murder. And it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. I mean, there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry. We won’t miss you. That’s my position on it.

An awkward silence immediately followed Maher’s comments before both panelists tried to make a joke. However, Maher didn’t bite. Instead, he piled on. “You said you’re pro-choice? That’s your position too.” As if surrendering to the inescapable moment of honesty, the panelists nodded uncomfortably.

Abortion has become a burr under the Left’s political saddle. When the Supreme Court overturned the Left’s radical crown jewel, Roe v. Wade, in the summer of 2022, the legality of abortion got kicked back to the states. Since 2020, some red states like Texas, where tighter restrictions are in place, have reported significant drops in the number of abortions.

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood has responded with more abortions and less “health care.” Their new annual report shows 392,715 abortions were performed (an all-time record for the abortion behemoth), and they added nearly $700 million in taxpayer funding (another record high). On the flip side, the report shows a decrease in breast cancer screenings and preventative care visits. In fact, last year, Planned Parenthood performed 228 times the number of abortions as the number of adoption referrals.

Heading into 2024, honesty from both parties will be crucial. Abortion is predicted to be a strong talking point for the Left. But if the reaction to Maher’s “murder” message is any indication, abortion might not be a slam-dunk issue for the Left.

The ACLJ is leading the charge against abortion in multiple states. We will soon be filing another Supreme Court case to defend those who are protecting life in the womb – our fourth pro-life case this term – and have already filed numerous briefs on behalf of pro-life groups at the U.S. Supreme Court and federal appeals court. While Biden’s taxpayer-funded expansion of the abortion pill is jammed in the courts, we expect the fight against abortion – murder – to ramp up as we inch closer to voters going to the polls in November.