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Big Abortion’s Deadly Lie Debunked at the Supreme Court Today


Matthew Clark

March 2, 2016

7 min read




The abortion industry only cares about death and profits.

That fact is on full display at the U.S. Supreme Court this morning as the high Court hears one of the biggest abortion cases in decades.  But this case is about more than the millions of innocent lives abortion snuffs out each year; it’s about the untold lives that the abortion industry takes in pursuit of profits – the women who die from botched abortions.

The case before the Court this morning concerns a Texas law – passed over shouts of “Hail Satan” – that does two basic things: 1) forces abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges at nearby hospitals (to ensure that women receive timely care after botched abortions) and 2) requires abortion clinics to meet basic health and safety standards.

Repulsed by the idea that a state dare hold the abortion industry to the same standard as everyone else, the most pro-abortion President in our nation’s history ordered his pro-abortion Justice Department to intervene at the Supreme Court.  The Obama Administration is minutes away from coming to big abortion’s rescue (as women continue to die) and present oral argument on the abortion industry’s behalf in attempt to defeat this commonsense law.

That’s right, your hard earned tax-dollars are now the abortion industry’s legal defense slush fund, with President Obama as its mouthpiece.

The Administration promulgates the age-old lie that abortion is safe – but not just safe, safer than having a baby.  This ludicrous argument rests on the graves of women who have died from botched abortions.

We took the Administration’s fallacious argument to task in our amicus brief to the Supreme Court.

Here is the basic question we asked: If abortion is so safe, then why are ambulances seen pulling away from abortion clinics at alarming rates?

Of course the answer is they are not safe.  Abortion clinics, for the most part, are left nearly unregulated.  Any regulation is immediately challenged, and in many cases leftist judges ensure that no regulations, no matter how reasonable, are allowed to stand.  The result is what you could expect from an industry that derives its profit from inflicting death.

In 24 single-spaced pages of our brief, we detail instance after instance of botched abortions, leaving women injured, permanently scared, or even dead.  It’s horrific, but the mainstream media refuses to report it. So we did.

Here, for example, are just some of the reported instances of women taken to the hospital from injuries and complications arising from abortions last year (documented and cited):

Here is one chilling example of a 911 call that occurred almost exactly one year ago at a Planned Parenthood in Houston, Texas:


This call which was placed on February 28, the patient is hemorrhaging after a surgical procedure with IV access. We can only assume it is another botched abortion. Please keep all those involved in your prayers.

Posted by Houston Coalition for Life on Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Unbelievably, the Obama Administration is teaming up with the abortion industry to argue to the Supreme Court that this woman, who was hemorrhaging blood, presumably from a botched abortion, does not deserve expedited hospital admittance nor basic safety standards in the clinic.

It’s sickening.

As we go on in our brief to detail, it’s not just the ambulances pulling away from abortion clinics that are so disturbing; it’s the sad reality that women are dying.  And it’s far more common than you’ve been led to believe.

Here are just a few of the tragic examples we point out in our brief:

America has been fed a lie.  Abortion isn’t safe.  It isn’t rare (according to the abortion industry’s own research arm there are 1.2 million abortions in America each year).

And now the abortion industry wants to be completely and utterly unregulated.

That’s what’s at stake before the Supreme Court today.  We can’t let up the fight.  You can still add your name to our Supreme Court brief here.

Thousands upon thousands of women and children are depending on our voices being heard.

UPDATE: I just returned from the Court.  In today’s Supreme Court oral argument on the case, our amicus brief (filed on behalf of over 157,000 of you) – detailing how women are injured or killed in botched abortions – was directly addressed.

At a pivotal moment in the oral argument, Justice Ginsburg asked the Solicitor General of Texas a direct question about whether abortion was really a dangerous procedure.  He began his answer: the brief of “the American Center for Law and Justice” details in page after page how women are injured and even killed from botched abortions.  He specifically used the argument we presented to address the Justice’s mistaken contention.

This article is crossposted at RedState.com.

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