The Supreme Court is deciding the biggest abortion case in decades.
It's a law that could shut down deadly abortion clinics and save countless lives.
After the horrors of deadly abortionist Kermit Gosnell – murdering babies born alive and even killing women in unsanitary, dangerous abortion clinics – Texas took action.
It passed a critical pro-life law requiring basic safety standards at abortion clinics and ensuring that women injured in abortions could be quickly admitted to hospitals.
Yet abortionists refused to comply with these constitutional, common-sense standards.
This law will shut down dozens of abortion clinics. It's a model pro-life law for the nation.
We've been arguing – and winning – major pro-life cases at the Supreme Court for decades. Now, we’re preparing to file a critical amicus brief at the Supreme Court to vigorously defend life and defeat big abortion. Add your name today: