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31 Pro-Life Senators Send Letter Urging Small Business Administration To Block Planned Parenthood From Fraudulently Obtaining COVID-19 Relief Funds . . . Again


Jordan Sekulow

January 18, 2021

4 min read




Planned Parenthood may be gearing up to make another play for federal relief funds intended for actual small businesses and not a billion-dollar abortion behemoth. This cannot be tolerated.

A group of 31 pro-life Senators, led by Sen. Tom Cotton (AR), has taken action to block Planned Parenthood from getting its hands on money it has no claim to.

We told you how the soulless abortion giant’s affiliates improperly applied for and somehow RECEIVED $80 MILLION in COVID-19 relief funds that a business the size of Planned Parenthood was specifically not eligible to receive.

As we stated:

At least 37 of Planned Parenthood’s 49 affiliates unlawfully obtained a total of approximately $80 million from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – taxpayer funds that were meant to go to small businesses as part of the CARES Act. This Coronavirus relief package specifically included language preventing Planned Parenthood and its regional affiliates from obtaining a single dime of these funds. The reason for this prohibition was simple—Planned Parenthood and its more than 16,000 employees clearly do not qualify for small business loans intended for businesses with less than 500 employees.

The abortion juggernaut has demonstrated a complete lack of compunction when it comes to swiping money away from Americans. And now as Congress is likely going to approve another relief package to provide aid to Americans and small businesses, Planned Parenthood is licking its chops.

This time, knowing the likelihood that Planned Parenthood may again attempt to obtain PPP funds, Senator Cotton, along with 30 other pro-life Senators have sent a letter to the U.S. Small Business Administration warning it in advance to block any such attempts.

As stated in the Senators’ letter:

We write to urge you to take precautions so that affiliates of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest and most notorious abortion provider, do not receive loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), as they did earlier this year in defiance of the law.

The coronavirus relief package Congress passed on December 21 authorizes a second round of PPP loans for certain small businesses and non-profits that received and fully spent a PPP loan earlier this year. Eligibility requirements for these “second-draw” loans are similar to the requirements for initial loans authorized under the CARES Act. Generally speaking, applicants for the initial waves of PPP loans had to employ no more than 500 employees across all of their affiliates in order to be eligible for a loan; applicants for a second-draw loan must have no more than 300 employees across all of their affiliates. As before, applicants for a second-draw loan must self-certify that they are eligible to receive such a loan; the Small Business Administration has written that “incorrect or false eligibility certifications by borrowers are subject to severe penalties.”

That an organization that’s already reported record profits year after year while also siphoning off a half-billion in taxpayer funds from the federal government would now try to take relief funds from true small businesses and churches who they were meant for is beyond immoral. But would we really expect anything less from the organization that we told you didn’t hesitate to kill over 345,000 innocent babies in its last reported year alone, breaking its own record?

We cringe as we anticipate what numbers it will report this year. Especially as it fought doggedly to keep the doors of its abortion clinics open during the Coronavirus pandemic, when other non-essential medical services were forced to cease. The ACLJ helped defeat its attempts in some cases. But as we reported, Planned Parenthood went rogue in multiple states, defying orders to shut down.

And now as we just told you, a new report has been released stating that abortion has become the leading cause of death in the world. 42.6 MILLION BABIES WERE ABORTED – KILLED – IN 2020. Compare that to all other deaths combined – including cancer, heart disease, and violent crime – which totaled about 59 million last year. It’s appalling.

Hardworking Americans are being forced to subsidize these alarming numbers, whether we like it or not. And now the abortion industry wants to essentially steal food off the tables of families who are struggling to make ends meet? No way. We applaud these Senators taking action to stop it from occurring again, and we will be prepared to take legal action to support their efforts in court if necessary.

Planned Parenthood’s unscrupulous practices are appalling. It should not receive another penny of taxpayer money. Stand with us. Sign our petition.

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