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Will the Obama Administration Betray Israel at the UN?


Harry G. Hutchison

December 19, 2016

4 min read




We’ve previously warned that the waning days of the Obama Administration pose a clear and present danger to our greatest ally in the Middle East. As we have previously explained, the transition period between the Obama Administration and the incoming Trump Administration constitutes one of the most dangerous periods in recent memory for Executive overreach and unilateral rewriting of our nation’s laws and regulatory framework.

This precarious period has stirred uncertainty and vigorous debate in the United States and Israel regarding the Obama Administration’s intention to betray Israel on the world’s stage. Betrayal could take the form of the Obama Administration’s refusal to block the latest efforts at the United Nations (U.N.) to pass a legally binding resolution in the Security Council declaring Jewish towns and homes in Judea and Samaria illegal or, condemning the presence of Jews in Judea and Samaria.  

Today, we learn that the globe is on the precipice of a looming diplomatic and geopolitical crisis, as the Palestinian Authority (PA) prepares a unilateral move to demand that the United Nations Security Council set a two-year deadline for Israel to withdraw from contested land in Israel as part of a proposal for Palestinian statehood. Multiple press reports indicate that such a resolution may be submitted to the U.N. Security Council this week.

Such a move would track with previous efforts devised to unjustifiably delegitimize Israel, including the passage of an Orwellian resolution by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designed to eradicate the Jewish connection from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This resolution is emblematic of an effort to expunge the Jewish people’s legal title to the mandated territory of Israel and Palestine, in all of its historical and Biblical dimensions, a right that was first acknowledged and recognized under modern international law on April 20, 1920, when the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers approved the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917.

The proposed new Palestinian resolution is calculated to force the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the West Bank, reward jihadists who continue to terrorize the Israeli people and marginalize Israel as a profoundly Jewish state. At the same time, the Obama Administration continues to show signs of plotting to abandon Israel at the U.N., slashing Israel’s legal borders, and forcing them to the negotiating table with mandatory concessions to terrorist-enablers and supporters. Enablers include the PA, which continues to pay a bounty to terrorists’ families.

A refusal by the Obama Administration to veto the Palestinian Authority’s latest resolution would constitute a profoundly absurd decision that penalizes the Middle East’s only democracy and America’s greatest ally in the region. Such a decision would correspondingly incentivize terrorists and their enablers within the PA and throughout the Middle East.

Israel is under vicious attack every single day and the ACLJ will stand with Israel without fear or favor. We will continue to fight the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and expose efforts to demonize Israel. Such efforts often take the form of spurious and unwarranted appeals to universal human rights, a maneuver which has the effect of legitimizing terror. The ACLJ will work with Congress to ensure that President Obama does not abandon Israel by allowing the United Nations to slice its borders and expose the homeland of the Jewish people to more attacks by militants who crave the prospect of heaving Israel and its people into the Mediterranean Sea. We’re also preparing to file a lawsuit against the Obama Administration in the coming days over its overtly attempts to subvert Israel’s national sovereignty.

We cannot allow this to happen.

Join us by signing our urgent petition to defend Israel.

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