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Defending Israel from Obama Administration Betrayal at the UN


Jay Sekulow

November 22, 2016

3 min read




As President Obama’s days in office tick down, the threat to Israel – our greatest ally in the Middle East – continues to grow. But this week, we’re taking direct action at the U.N.

We’ve previously detailed the numerous ways the Obama Administration could betray Israel on the world’s stage. As jihadists perpetually threaten more terrorist attacks against the Israeli people, the Obama Administration has shown signs of plotting to abandon Israel at the United Nations, slashing Israel’s legal borders, and forcing them to the negotiations table with mandatory concessions to terrorist-enablers and supporters.

I’ve led the ACLJ’s team in defense of Israel on the world’s stage before at the U.N., at the International Criminal Court, on Capitol Hill, and throughout America where anti-Israel attacks target Jewish students and professors.

And we are doing it again. It may be a holiday week here in the United States as we celebrate Thanksgiving, but we are actively defending Israel all week.

We’re sending urgent legal letters to the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council (P5) – nations that possess veto power over any Security Council resolution. Any one of these nations could singlehandedly thwart an attempt to undermine Israel in the final days of the Obama Administration.

Yesterday, we sent four international legal letters to Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom. Today, we’re sending one to the United States government. And later this week, we’re sending more critical legal letters to six other members of the U.N. Security Council – nations that could join together to defeat any resolution opposing Israel.

Our message is as important as it is simple:

We call your attention to a matter of grave importance. Reports indicate that certain Member States, intending to exploit the transition period between U.S. presidential administrations, plan to propose resolutions to the UN Security Council that would, if passed, be potentially damaging to the security, sovereignty and diplomatic standing of the State of Israel.

We are concerned about resolutions affecting Israel’s borders or punishing Israel for allegedly illegal “settlement” activity in disputed territories. Measures could also include attempts to force a change in the status quo in Jerusalem and/or otherwise to impose terms or conditions upon or require concessions from the State of Israel prior to a resumption of peace negotiations.

The waning days of a U.S. presidential administration are not the time for the Security Council to advance measures would disturb a very delicate status quo and may clash with U.S. policy under the incoming administration. It would be prudent to defer any such discussion or vote until the new U.S. presidential administration is in office.

In the event that any such resolution comes before the Security Council for consideration, we urge your country to exercise her veto power.

Our letter goes on to detail vital international legal and historical analyses involving Israel’s borders, “settlements”, and international law. We also reiterate that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict cannot be resolved by imposing preconditions and artificial requirements on them.  There must be voluntary, good faith negotiations consistent with the norms of international law.

As the U.S. undergoes a peaceful transition of power, maintaining the status quo is necessary for not only stability in the Middle East but also diplomatic relations among the P5.

We will keep you updated on our continued aggressive fights to defend Israel during the Obama Administration’s final days of danger.

Sign our petition below to stand with Israel.

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