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President Obama Responds to Hamas Terrorists’ Murder of American Teen with “Strongest Possible” Meaningless Words


Matthew Clark

July 1, 2014

2 min read




Hamas terrorists kidnapped and killed three Israeli teenagers, one of whom was a U.S. citizen.

These jihadist terrorists murdered kids.  Yet, the reaction of the Obama Administration has been an absolute disgrace.

Remember, a U.S. citizen was just murdered (along two other Israeli teens) by Palestinian terrorists – known brutal terrorist who routinely fire rockets at Israeli civilians – and the Obama Administration responded by urging restraint.

In fact, President Obama actually urged “all parties to refrain from steps that could further destabilize the situation.”

Destabilize?  Hamas terrorists killed an American teen and all this Administration is concerned about is that things may destabilize?

Not only does this do nothing to avenge the death of an American or deter future terrorist acts against our citizens, it literally cuts Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East, off at the knees as they deal with jihadist brutality on a daily basis.

This Administration is willfully blind to the reality of the enemy we face.

In the face of this unspeakable tragedy, the most President Obama can muster is to “condemn[] in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth.”

Hamas terrorists are killing innocent children, and the best we can do is use words (but not just any words “the strongest possible” ones)?  Where’s the action?

Talk will not deter terrorists.  The only way to deter terrorists is with a strong response, with direct action.

This Administration won’t even pull U.S. taxpayer funding from the Hamas terrorist-led Palestinian Unity Government.  The fact is America is illegally funding the terrorists as they kill children.

Instead of using the “strongest possible” meaningless words, our President should be using direct words followed by direct action.  If terrorists dare kidnap and kill our children, this is more the reaction I think we all expect:

At the very least, we should be willing to stop subsidizing the Palestinian’s terrorist-led government.

If you agree, sign the ACLJ’s petition to stop making deals with terrorists.

This article is crossposted on Red State.

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