88 Senators “Gravely Concerned” over Obama Administration Funding of Hamas Terrorist-Led Palestinian Government


Matthew Clark

June 13, 2014

3 min read




Meet the Palestinian Unity Government and their newest members, the officially designated terrorist group Hamas.

Hamas, responsible for thousands of terrorist rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, including children, is now set to benefit from nearly 500 million dollars a year that we, the American taxpayers, hand the Palestinian government.

Funding or supporting terrorism in any way is a direct violation of U.S. law.

Yet, the Obama Administration has adamantly refused, even in the face of new Hamas terrorist attacks, to suspend that funding or back away from its full throated support of the Palestinian Unity Government, choosing instead to take a wait a see approach.

We, and tens of thousands of our members, have been demanding that the Obama Administration pull back its support and simply stop funding this terrorist-led government.

An overwhelming majority of U.S. Senators now agree – 88 in fact, and it’s hard to get 88 Senators to agree on anything.

Led by Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Susan Collins (R-ME), the overwhelmingly bipartisan letter to President Obama states that the Senators are “gravely concerned” with the Administration’s continued funding of the terrorist-led government.

The letter expresses clearly the immense danger posed by continued U.S. support for Hamas:

By its actions and inaction, Hamas has demonstrated it is not a partner for peace. Hamas has openly called for Israel's destruction and last month Hamas leaders again repeated their refusal to meet recognized international demands: recognition of Israel, renunciation of terror, and acceptance of previous Israel-PLO agreements.

Not only is President Obama’s policy dangerous, it is a direct violation of Congress’s constitutionally exercised authority over how our tax dollars are spent.  As the letter notes, providing support for any government that includes Hamas terrorists is a direct violation of “the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 and restrictions contained in the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2014, including prohibiting foreign assistance to Hamas or any power-sharing government of which Hamas is a member or over which Hamas has undue influence.”

In other words, 88 Senators are saying that if President Obama doesn’t pull the plug on funding the Palestinian Unity Government (“Unity” read: terrorist), he will be breaking the law.

Nearly 88,000 Americans have signed the ACLJ’s petition demanding that the Obama Administration stop funding jihadists.

Thankfully, the Senate is joining the fight.  If President Obama continues to ignore the law, Congress must act.  A letter is a great first step, but this matter deserves more than mere words.  The road to peace cannot be paved by funding terrorists.

You can join the fight by signing our petition to stop funding Hamas terrorists here.

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