They've Been Caught: DHS Plan to Police "Disinformation" Exposed
Another draconian Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plan to police so-called “disinformation” has been exposed.
Yesterday we told you how the radical Left just introduced a bill to appoint a DHS Misinformation Czar to essentially monitor and censor free speech. Now the Left is basically confirming that the Biden disinformation board never really went away. It just narrowed its focus. For now.
According to reports, a newly leaked document reveals a shocking attempt by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to quell free speech. Facebook and Twitter developed special portals for government agencies in a coordinated effort to silence individuals they disagree with.
One question I’d like to know the answer to is just how intertwined our current U.S. government is with these big tech companies trying to censor American speech. Specifically, with regard to censoring domestic speech right here at home. It’s one thing to look at foreign regimes like China or North Korea or Russia, just as examples, with hacking and trying to spread false and misleading information to Americans using social media and other online platforms. That is a legitimate threat and it is the job of the U.S. government to mitigate and protect us from foreign propaganda. But we’re talking about targeting American citizens, violating their constitutionally protected right to free speech and expression – it is WRONG.
Today we learned that DHS launched a live portal on Facebook for government agencies to report offending posts, allowing them to flag content on Instagram and Facebook and request it be throttled or taken down completely. They referred to Republicans as conspiracy nuts when we fought against – and defeated – Biden’s proposed disinformation czar. This is straight out of a George Orwell novel.
I asked ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo what exactly the Biden Administration thinks it’s trying to pull behind our backs here and he, as usual, cut right to the quick of it:
I think it’s twofold. First, to your point about behind the backs, the visibility of the American people is exactly right. They created the Disinformation Board. It got blown up. Civil libertarians, conservatives, people from a broad spectrum said this is a terrible idea. They backed off of it publicly, but apparently have kept doing this. That’s not a surprise. They have tried to take down, to censor, to move out of the marketplace of ideas, conservative thought for a long time. You all know this. They’ve tried to use the IRS. They’ve used the FBI. Now they’re using DHS to police information, to stifle debate, so they can project their own progressive view of the world. This is deeply dangerous. The fact that they’re now doing this behind the scenes when they claim they aren’t doing it anymore is even more troubling.
Folks, this is America. You’re allowed to express your opinion. Whether you support the current political party in power or you do not, that’s your right. You just can’t threaten violence or attack. But the issues that are being proposed under this misinformation bill seem like a dangerous attack on free speech. They include the Afghanistan military withdrawal that the Biden Administration botched in front of the entire world, needlessly costing more lives, and allowing the Taliban to return to power. The Constitution says we can call the President’s evacuation plan what it was, an incompetent disaster. The fact that the Left now wants to say no, you cannot say that or you’re an enemy of the state is beyond disturbing. It’s intolerable. And rest assured the ACLJ Legal Affairs team will not stand by and let it happen.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes further in-depth analysis of this latest revelation in President Biden and the radical Left’s attempt to censor conservative voices, especially just days before a critical Midterm, including more discussion with Sec. Pompeo.
Watch the full broadcast below: