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Radio Recap – ACLJ EXCLUSIVE: Obama White House Counsel Sent “TOP SECRET” Letter to Comey the Day Before Trump’s Inauguration

Radio Recap – ACLJ EXCLUSIVE: Obama White House Counsel Sent “TOP SECRET” Letter to Comey the Day Before Trump’s Inauguration


Jordan Sekulow

October 1, 2020

Breaking News: An ACLJ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit has revealed that President Obama’s White House Counsel sent an email to FBI Director Jim Comey the night before President Trump’s inauguration.

On today’s Jay Sekulow Live, we discussed the exclusive revelation on the Obama Administration’s Deep State spying that we uncovered via our FOIA lawsuit. Less than 24 hours before President Trump’s inauguration, President Obama’s White House Counsel sent a “TOP SECRET” letter to then FBI Director James Comey that involved the issue of the spies placed in the White House.

We sent a FOIA request regarding former FBI Director Comey’s spies inside the White House: Anthony Ferrante, Jordan Rae Kelly, and Tashina Gauhar. It’s important to remember that one of those was the liaison to the FBI. One held a tech job and somehow got to stay in the White House. And one was at the National Security Council.

We filed our FOIA request and a lawsuit on these spies and we received an interesting reply. Our FOIA wound up uncovering an email that was sent from President Obama’s White House Counsel to multiple names. Some of the recipients’ names were redacted, but some were not. The unredacted ones were former FBI Director Jim Comey and former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe.

This email was sent on Thursday, January 19th, at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. What’s interesting about that date?  It was the day before President Trump was sworn in as the next President of the United States.

The classification of the email is TOP SECRET. The White House Counsel said in the email: “Director and Deputy Director – Please see the attached letter. Thanks, Neil.” The attached letter is then sent from former FBI Director Jim Comey at 9:52 PM to his general counsel at the FBI, James Baker, to review.

Now they’re refusing to give us the attachment; so guess what – we’re taking the FBI to court. What TOP SECRET information did they have to send from the Obama White House Counsel to the FBI Director and Deputy FBI Director the night before President Trump was inaugurated? The American people have the right to know.

Interestingly, this is also coming to light just as former FBI Director Jim Comey is giving testimony before the Senate, where he said he doesn’t remember anything about the CIA asking the FBI to investigate whether or not it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign that was actually colluding with the Russians, in an action reportedly approved by Secretary Clinton. Even President Obama was briefed about it by then CIA Director John Brennan; and yet somehow former FBI Director Jim Comey can’t recall any of that.

The full broadcast is complete with much more discussion by our team of what our ACLJ FOIA uncovered about the Obama Administration spying and what that could mean.

Watch the full broadcast below.

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