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ACLJ Suing the Biden FBI

ACLJ Suing the Biden FBI


Jay Sekulow

December 12, 2022

As if there wasn’t enough in the news about the FBI, back in August we filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) against the FBI regarding potential politically-motivated pressure it was putting on social media giants like Twitter and Facebook to censor Americans before an election. Then, the Deep State agency informed us they were closing our file. We filed an administrative appeal, and they just ignored it.

I’m sorry to have to be the one to inform the Biden Administration, but that is not how FOIA’s work. The person being ordered to provide the information doesn’t get to say “Hey thanks but we’re going to go ahead and close this out without complying.”

This willful refusal to comply with the law has become par for the course for the Biden Administration, especially in regards to our FOIA requests. That is simply not acceptable. When there is corruption in our Justice Department, the American people deserve to know what’s really going on and who is pulling the strings. But once again we are left with no other recourse but to sue.

The FBI can try to stonewall our FOIA request. It can ignore our administrative appeal. They can hope we give up. But guess what? We can now officially file a federal lawsuit against the FBI over their refusal to comply with our FOIA request. And that is exactly what we’re doing. Today we announce the ACLJ is filing a lawsuit against the Biden FBI.

We gave them ample opportunity to answer our FOIA, but once again, they’ve brazenly ignored us. Now, they must answer us in federal court.

If they wouldn’t send us the documents before, what will the FBI do when a federal judge says they have no choice? And the bigger question of course is what is the Biden FBI so desperate to keep us from uncovering?

ACLJ Senior Counsel and long-time prosecutor Andy Ekonomou summed up what he believes the Deep State FBI is really trying to pull here:

What it indicates to me really is that they don’t want to disclose what is in their files. With a vengeance, they don’t want to disclose it. They want to stonewall us. They want to say that there is this exemption that applies or that exemption that applies. I’ve read our letter and it is perfectly appropriate what we’re asking for. But this is something in which they’re circling the wagons to make sure that whatever they’ve got does not get out. And what that tells me is that there were improprieties taking place. That the FBI was involved in censorship, or attempts at censorship – put yourself on high alert, they were telling Facebook – in elections they should not have been involved in. They were doing the things that were not only odious, but illegal, and we have caught them at it and we are going to pursue them in federal district court very soon on this by filing a lawsuit and by saying to them very simply you can’t just close your file and get out of producing the information that the law requires to be produced.

Remember we told you how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted on Joe Rogan’s podcast that the FBI had approached his company prior to the 2020 election and “warned” them about supposed “misinformation” about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, among other politically charged issues at the time that clearly may have influenced the election results. Turns out it was the FBI that was peddling misinformation. The Hunter Biden laptop story was true. If that’s not election interference, I don’t know what is.

That’s exactly why we’re taking the Biden FBI to federal court.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes further in-depth analysis of our impending lawsuit against Biden’s FBI. We also give you an update on the situation in Pueblo, Colorado where we told you last week a group of pro-life speakers were DISINVITED from speaking at a public hearing about an extreme late-term abortionist who wants to open his new clinic in their town. The ACLJ stepped in immediately, dispatching an attorney to Pueblo with a legal demand letter and she addressed the entire council, at which pointed they changed their minds and said the pro-life experts can speak, and will speak TONIGHT. Pro-life speech is essential, and constitutional.  We will keep you updated every step of the way.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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