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ACLJ Files New Lawsuit Against Biden Deep State as It Refuses To Cooperate With Our FOIA Demands for Records Regarding Kerry’s Secret Meetings With Iran


Benjamin P. Sisney

April 22, 2021

John Kerry tried to undermine President Trump in order to support Iran, putting our national security at risk.

And now it appears that the Biden Administration is willfully trying to cover it up.

We just filed a critical lawsuit to expose and defeat the Biden/Kerry Deep State tag-team effort to renew the Iran Nuclear Deal.

As we’ve previously told you, John Kerry, former Secretary of State under President Obama, along with Robert Malley, who was President Obama’s Middle East adviser, conducted secretive backdoor meetings with Iran while President Trump was still in office. Both of these individuals are now senior Biden officials.

According to the story, “[F]ormer Secretary of State John F. Kerry . . . met with Mr. Zarif during the Trump years. So did Obama-era Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. They, along with Mr. Malley, were top U.S. negotiators of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).” And, “Mr. Kerry and Mr. Malley are now in the Biden administration, Mr. Kerry as a climate adviser and Mr. Malley poised to play a major role in U.S.-Iranian relations from his perch as special envoy for Iran policy at the State Department.”

President Biden’s team actively did what they falsely accused the previous Trump Administration of doing. According to declassified documents, then-Vice President Biden himself even inquired about using the Logan Act against Michel Flynn for establishing communications with a foreign government official. However, unlike Michael Flynn, who had already been appointed to serve as the incoming National Security Adviser, leading leftists were meeting with Zarif as far back as 2017 – not to prepare to take office, but AFTER they left office.

This sets a very dangerous precedent. No President, regardless of party, should be comfortable with a former government official acting as a private citizen to undermine and sabotage U.S. foreign policy on behalf of their future successor. It’s dangerous. Particularly when the country they’re meeting with also happens to be the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism.

Perhaps the fact that Kerry is cozying up to Iran shouldn’t be that surprising, since we also know that in the not so distant past, he had communicated with the Palestinian Authority, which we’ve told you pays bounties to the families of terrorists who kill Americans or Israelis.

We filed a critical Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to uncover the truth behind former Secretary Kerry’s shadow diplomacy with Iran and to expose any other Biden Administration officials who may have known about it or even secretly authorized it. Our FOIA requested all records and communications regarding Kerry’s meetings with Iran as well as other Biden officials.

But now the Biden Administration doesn’t want to cooperate. The Biden State Department had 20 days to respond to our request, and it even acknowledged it had received our request. However, the 20-day response period expired on April 5th; and as of the day of this writing, there has been no more correspondence nor have we been provided with an email or a single scrap of paper. If the Biden Administration is playing by the old idea that if you ignore the problem, it will go away, we cannot say. But what is certain is WE WILL NOT GO AWAY.

When one of President Biden’s top officials undercut a sitting President, disregarding the Constitution and putting the integrity and security of our nation at risk, the ACLJ doesn’t just let it go. We just filed another lawsuit to demand compliance with our FOIA request from the Biden State Department.

Remember, it was also John Kerry, under President Obama, who pushed the U.S. into the horrific Iran Nuclear Deal. In fact, back in 2013, Kerry asserted that “Iran’s 20% uranium will be destroyed,” which would keep Israel and the world safe. As much as we hate to break it you, Mr. Kerry: 

Iran is reporting that it has begun enriching uranium at 60%. To put that in perspective, at 90% enrichment, it’s a weapon. In fact, nothing above 5% enrichment is necessary for any civilian use of uranium. There’s simply no other conclusion to draw other than Iran – the number one state sponsor of terrorism – is actively trying to develop nuclear weapons.

And on top of all this, now that Kerry is back working in an official capacity under President Biden, he’s now pushing the U.S. into yet another disastrous, one-sided international agreement – this time with China. Kerry seems intent on giving away the store, sending millions to our enemies, and weakening our security. It really begs the question, why?

Meanwhile Iran and China are already forming their own alliance, cutting the U.S. out. What bargaining power could Kerry or President Biden possibly hope to attain that doesn’t ultimately leave the U.S. weaker and more vulnerable?

This is why we tell you the work of the ACLJ is needed now more than ever. We’re not letting this go. We will expose John Kerry’s shadow diplomacy with Iran and fight the Biden Administration’s attempts to further empower Iran.

Stand with us and demand President Biden put America’s interests and national security first.

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