2016 Victories: Defending the Sanctity of Life in America and Beyond



December 2, 2016

2 min read

Pro Life



This is the latest installment in a year-end series looking back at a few of the many victories by the ACLJ in 2016.

In January 2016, for the first time in history, a bill defunding Planned Parenthood – the largest abortion business in America – was sent to the President’s desk. It was a major victory for the pro-life movement.

President Obama later vetoed this critical bill, but the fact that it reached the President’s desk is a victory in itself. As the American people continue to awake to the horrors of the abortion industry, momentum for the pro-life movement is building. With your help, we will keep the pressure up and demand an end to the federal funding of Planned Parenthood – once and for all.

Across the globe in Europe, our fight to defend life is just as strong. For years, we’ve defended the right of medical professionals around the world to object to participating in abortions. In March 2016, a U.N. official agreed with our position that medical professionals have the right to conscientious objection. He agreed with us that no person should be forced to choose between their humanity and their profession. This is the core argument we’ve been making across the globe in defense of the most basic human right – life.

It was a huge victory that a senior U.N. official publicly stood in solidarity with our pro-life efforts.

We will continue these efforts at the U.N. and on Capitol Hill. We will work aggressively in the year ahead to put a bill defunding Planned Parenthood on the next President’s desk. With your help, we at the ACLJ will continue to stand up for freedom, human dignity, and the sanctity of life – here in America and beyond.

To help the ACLJ continue to have the resources we need to make these victories possible and continue these fights, please consider making a Tax-Deductible donation to the ACLJ through our year-end Matching Challenge. Your gift will be doubled dollar-for-dollar through the end of the year.

You can read more in the ACLJ’s 2016 Victories series here.

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