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Planned Parenthood Reeling After Infanticide Support Exposed


Matthew Clark

April 4, 2013

3 min read




Even pro-choice legislators were disgusted after Planned Parenthood argued last week against a state law that would require abortionists to ensure that a baby who is born alive after a botched abortion receives lifesaving medical care.

Florida Representative Mike Clelland, a Democrat, stated, “I've been pro-choice my whole life, and I can't think of a more sensible bill in this regard.”

In disbelief, he asked the Planned Parenthood lobbyist, “Does Planned Parenthood have an objection to a doctor being obligated to provide advanced life support in an abortion clinic setting to a child born alive?  I mean, I guess you do or you wouldn't be here, right?”  This pro-choice legislator continued, “What objection could you possibly have to obligate a doctor to transport a child born alive to a hospital where it seems to me they would be most likely to be able to survive?”

You can watch our video compilation of the outrageous exchange here.

Planned Parenthood began backpedaling following the hearing, claiming that this situation represents a “vague set of extremely unlikely and highly unusual medical circumstances.”  Yet, right now there is an ongoing trial in Philadelphia of an abortionist, Kermit Gosnell, who is charged with 7 counts of first degree murder for committing precisely this, post-birth abortion of newborn infants after botched abortions.

“Of course Planned Parenthood would provide appropriate care to both the woman and the infant,” Planned Parenthood now says.  Really?  That’s not what your lobbyist said.

If this is really your position then why does Planned Parenthood oppose a bill that simply requires that newborn infants receive medical care even when they are born after a botched abortion?  They vehemently and publicly opposed this measure … that is until today.

In a stunning reversal Planned Parenthood has now announced that they “withdraw our opposition” to the bill.

They were exposed.  Their true agenda was brought before the American people, and they had no choice but to publicly reverse their position.

Their hundreds of millions of our tax dollars are at stake, and Planned Parenthood is reeling.

One day they support infanticide; a week later they don’t?  Their reprehensible position was exposed, forcing them back on their heels.  But don’t think for one minute that they won’t oppose similar legislation in other states.  They have been opposing similar legislation in other states around the nation for year.  They opposed the federal partial-birth abortion ban.  The abortion mill hasn’t met a restriction, any restriction, on abortion they could support.  Period.

Do they deserve our tax dollars?

Here are the facts:

  • Planned Parenthood performs 333,000 abortions a year, making it the largest abortion provider in America.
  • A majority of their clinic income comes from committing abortion.
  • They give out over 1.4 million abortion pills – subsidized by our tax dollars.
  • They spend millions of dollars lobbying for more of our tax dollars and against any restriction on abortion.
  • They are facing charges of perpetrating hundreds of millions of dollars of fraudulent overbilling of taxpayers in courts all across the nation.
  • They have been exposed helping minors hide abortions from their parents.
  • They support sex selective abortions.
  • Last week they publicly supported infanticide.

Planned Parenthood’s façade has been removed and their true purpose exposed: abortion, any and all abortion, on demand without apology.

They have lost the public trust and certainty don’t deserve the public’s money.  Sign the petition to defund Planned Parenthood.

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