A growing number of states are stopping Planned Parenthood from receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funds. Planned Parenthood is aggressively suing to stop these pro-life laws, fighting to keep the taxpayer dollars that account for nearly half of their annual budget.

The ACLJ is standing up to Planned Parenthood in court and we need you to stand with us. Sign our petition and send a powerful message to every state - the time to defund Planned Parenthood is now.

Petition to Stop Planned Parenthood’s Taxpayer Funding

To: All State Attorneys General

A state has the legal right to determine how taxpayer dollars are distributed. Giving taxpayer funds to abortion businesses that also provide non-abortion services subsidizes abortion. Laws to defund Planned Parenthood are consistent with federal statutes, are constitutional, and should be defended and upheld.


Pro Life

Stopping Abortion, Ending Planned Parenthood’s Taxpayer Funds

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