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The IRS: Institutionally Incapable of Self-Governance


Jay Sekulow

June 7, 2013

2 min read

Free Speech



Another day. Another revelation regarding the IRS scandal.

We now are learning that the IRS national office in Washington, D.C. knew about the unlawful scheme targeting conservative groups in 2010 - one year earlier than previously acknowledged.

Reporters have reviewed transcripts of interviews with IRS workers by Congressional investigators. According to one news report, the transcripts show that in July 2010, Elizabeth Hofacre, an IRS official in Cincinnati who was coordinating "emerging issues" for the agency's tax-exempt unit, was corresponding with Washington-based IRS tax attorney Carter Hull.

This comes after another revelation that Hofacre was directed by Carter Hull, the Washington IRS tax attorney, in her investigation of conservative groups. She said Hull micromanaged her work and ultimately delayed the processing of applications by tea party groups. “It was demeaning,” she said. “One of the criteria is to work independently and do research and make decisions based on your experience and education, whereas on this case, I had no autonomy at all through the process.”

We checked our records and correspondence with the more than two dozen conservative groups we are representing in a federal lawsuit challenging the IRS and Carter Hull's signature is on abusive and harassing letters sent to our clients.

No surprise there. After all, Lois Lerner, the Director of the Exempt Organizations division - who is on paid administrative leave - sent 15 letters to our clients requesting information that violated the First Amendment rights of our clients.

In testimony before a House committee yesterday, we learned even more about the outrageous mis-use of millions of taxpayer dollars by the IRS on its lavish, unchecked spending on conferences and meetings.

As I told Martha MacCallum on FOX News this morning, the IRS is out of control - institutionally incapable of self governance and institutionally incapable of self-correction.

Nearly 115,000 Americans have now signed on to our petition demanding an end to the IRS abuse. If you haven't done so, please add your name today.

As we continue to work on this issue, we are developing a new plan of action for you. The IRS scandal continues to get worse.  It's time to turn up the heat on our government. Details coming Monday.

Jay Sekulow


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