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ELECTION EVE: Radical Left Declares War on American Energy Independence

ELECTION EVE: Radical Left Declares War on American Energy Independence


Jordan Sekulow

November 7, 2022

4 min read

Radical Left



It’s Election Eve, and what did President Joe Biden and the radical Left do to unite the country right before tomorrow’s critical Midterms? They’re declaring war on American Independence.

This past weekend while out campaigning for New York Democrat Kathy Hochul, who is currently seeking re-election after taking over as interim Governor of New York after Andrew Cuomo resigned last year, President Biden assured a confrontational climate change protester he would allow “no more drilling.”

According to reports, the President told the crowd:

No more drilling. There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling.

Just a couple of weeks ago Biden was ordering American oil companies to increase production and demanded that the oil companies should get the prices down at the pump. But now he’s saying no more drilling? What?

And Biden isn’t just going after oil. As that same report mentioned, this President is going after the U.S. coal industry and coal miners’ jobs as well:

Last Friday, Biden said coal plants were too expensive to operate, and "we’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America" in order to shift to wind power. 

So no more oil. No more coal. No more jobs for tens of thousands of Americans and their families. And how compassionate of President Biden to just cavalierly announce his intention to take away countless jobs right at the start of the holiday season. Seriously, I hope every U.S. mining family has a good Christmas this year and every year. But based on President Biden’s plans, next year’s holidays could be far less jolly. And yet the Left would have you believe it’s Conservatives who don’t care about others.

The Biden Administration is turning the United States into the most energy-dependent nation in the world. We’re fully capable of being an energy leader, except we have a President who would rather step to the back of the global power line with his cap in hand.

At a time when the country feels the most vulnerable when it comes to energy prices and supply than it has in decades, for the President to announce he’ll be putting thousands of Americans out of work is truly a curious strategy with an important Midterm just hours away.

But of course, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has already claimed that Biden’s comments "have been twisted to suggest a meaning that was not intended; he regrets it if anyone hearing these remarks took offense." But even Jean-Pierre acknowledged: “America is once again in the midst of an energy transition."

My dad, ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow, pointed out just how out of touch this shows the President really is:

Let me tell you what this means. This means that they realized a day before the election that things are going in the wrong direction. But Biden chose, the President of the United States chose to double down when asked about the energy issue. The area that the country feels most vulnerable – this is what I don’t understand – the country feels most vulnerable about energy independence, and energy dependence, and yet he gets asked the question, and he doubles down on it again.

Folks I certainly hope you’re taking this election seriously and that you’ve actually made a plan to vote and have your voice heard. Remember that some 15 – 16 states have enacted new election integrity laws. Those may make things take longer than usual. And not because the new laws are meant to cause voter suppression or any of the other distortions being spread by the radical Left. Simply because these new regulations have been put in place to try and help stop any sort of election fraud. Right now, none of the poles are predicting any side – let alone candidate – is running away with their race. Crucial battleground state elections are so close right now, a few votes can truly make all the difference. 

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes further in-depth analysis of the President’s latest alarming statements just hours before the polls open tomorrow.

Watch the full broadcast below:

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