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POMPEO: Once Again Biden Embarrasses America, Helps Terrorists, and Wastes Your Tax Dollars With Sinking Gaza Pier

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Once again, the Biden Administration has managed to embarrass America, help terrorists, and waste your tax dollars.  This time, it has done so by building a floating pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip, an ill-conceived, $320 million boondoggle that has even resulted in some American service members being seriously injured.  This pier – which is now reportedly sinking – perfectly encapsulates the Biden Administration’s failed, nakedly political approach to foreign policy.

In his State of the Union address almost three months ago, President Biden pledged that America would build a temporary pier off the coast of Gaza to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid into the territory.  From the beginning, there were major problems with this plan.  First, undertaking a project such as this would involve committing American soldiers – even though Biden had pledged there would be no “boots on the ground” in Gaza – and it would put those American soldiers near a terrorist organization that wishes to destroy America.  Second, even if aid could be delivered without putting Americans in harm’s way, there was no way it could be delivered to the civilians for whom it was ostensibly provided without it falling into the hands of Hamas. After all, the aid provided by the United States through UNRWA had for years been seized and controlled by Hamas.  There would be no difference now.  Third, it was unconscionable for American aid to end up helping a terrorist organization that was still holding Israeli and American hostages.  And finally, there was already a way to deliver aid into Gaza without putting U.S. troops in harm’s way or allowing it to fall into Hamas’ hands: by working with our ally, Israel.

The Biden Administration, predictably, ignored these problems and wasted American wealth and resources.  To date, 569 metric tons of aid have been delivered through Biden’s floating pier, yet his own Pentagon officials admitted last week that none of that aid has actually been delivered to Palestinian civilians. Where did it all go? According to a report, almost three quarters of it was stolen off the trucks carrying it to the warehouses being run by the naïve NGOs Team Biden trusted to distribute it. According to Israeli estimates, Hamas is stealing at least 60% of all aid going into the Gaza Strip and has stolen at least $500 million worth since the October 7th attacks. It is highly likely that this pier is merely facilitating the delivery of American aid right into the hands of Hamas. What a disgrace.

To make matters even worse, it was revealed that multiple soldiers had suffered serious injuries during the Gaza Pier operation, with one being critically injured.  These were non-combat injuries, but it hardly matters. They shouldn’t even be there in the first place.

The cherry on top, of course, was the report this week that Biden’s pier was sinking into the Mediterranean Sea after a day of rough weather.  What remains afloat will now be towed to an Israeli port for repairs.  Additionally, three U.S. Army boats containing U.S. soldiers broke off from the pier during the storm and ended up beached on the shore as a result – meaning the Biden Administration did, even inadvertently, put U.S. boots on the ground in Gaza.  And this could have been much worse – U.S. soldiers were stranded on a beach in territory controlled by terrorists who wish death upon America.  That they were recovered was fortunate, but they should never have been put in harm’s way to begin with.

Of course, none of these developments are likely to cause Biden or his officials much consternation. After all, this pier was not really built to deliver aid to Palestinian civilians.  It was built to advance Biden’s personal two-state solution – not the creation of a Palestinian state, but to garner votes in the states of Michigan and Minnesota, where far-Left, radical communities have been extremely vocal in their criticism of Biden’s support for Israel, lukewarm though it may be.

Biden’s half-baked, purely political, and ultimately failed decision to build a pier off the coast of Gaza perfectly displays the rot that has plagued his decision-making throughout his time in office, but particularly since the brutal attacks of October 7th.  Increasingly desperate to placate far-Left voters ahead of an election, President Biden has put U.S. troops in harm’s way and aided our enemies just to win a few votes.  Indeed, time and again, Biden has put the radical politics of his base ahead of American security and prosperity.  The rest of the American people will see these disgraceful and indecent actions for what they are. It’s time America’s leaders stop playing politics with American lives and wasting American tax dollars for political gain.

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