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New Filing from Special Counsel Durham Shows FBI and CIA Knew Foundation of Russia Collusion Hoax Was "Untrue and Unsupported"

New Filing from Special Counsel Durham Shows FBI and CIA Knew Foundation of Russia Collusion Hoax Was "Untrue and Unsupported"


Jordan Sekulow

April 18, 2022

On Friday, Special Counsel John Durham filed a motion in the case against former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who tried to create a Russian collusion narrative tied to the other presidential candidate at the time – Donald Trump.

In the latest Durham filing:

At a minimum, however, the Government does expect to adduce evidence at trial reflecting (i) the fact that the FBI and Agency-2 [believed to be the CIA] concluded that the Russian Bank-1 allegations were untrue and unsupported and (ii) the primary bases for these conclusions, including the particular investigative and analytical steps taken by these agencies. (For example, while the FBI did not reach an ultimate conclusion regarding the data’s accuracy or whether it might have been in whole or in part genuine, spoofed, altered, or fabricated, Agency-2 [CIA] concluded in early 2017 that the Russian Bank-1 data and Russian Phone Provider-1 data was not “technically plausible,” did not “withstand technical scrutiny,” “contained gaps,” “conflicted with [itself],” and was “user created and not machine/tool generated.” The Special Counsel’s Office has not reached a definitive conclusion in this regard.)

Based on the language used, “user created,” it appears to our legal team that this data was fabricated out of thin air, but the question is, who instructed this data team to do it? At this point, it appears that this data was intentionally created to manipulate two United States government agencies and was used to target a presidential candidate, later the sitting President of the United States.

ACLJ Director of Government Affairs Thann Bennett pointed out the brazen behavior of the Clinton campaign:

First of all . . . it is staggering that a political campaign would have the audacity to do that . . . they must have had some comfort that they would be somewhat well received or at least not provided the scrutiny that you would expect out of the FBI and the CIA. I would flip that on its head a little bit, I think the part that is really staggering is that something that was not “technically plausible,” and they could identify as having been “user created” . . . which is made up. This is created. Someone created this. It wasn’t evidence that would be taken seriously by the highest levels of our law enforcement. We’ve seen a lot of issues along this chain of investigation, but this might be right up there. You have to have confidence in the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency. When this is the outcome, how can you have confidence when something that is called “technically implausible” is treated seriously?

The American people do not have confidence in these agencies because of actions like this. ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and former Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell explained how this happened within the FBI and CIA:

One of the things I tried to point out as acting Director of National Intelligence consistently was that the dissenting voices on the Russian collusion hoax were silenced or classified away. It’s one of the reasons why I went through and tried to declassify all of the testimony. It’s why we tried to unredact the redacted sections of reports that showed that there were dissenting voices. The key to this is this – the dissenting voices were always there from the very beginning. They were classified away, they were silenced, they were bullied. So, when you look at it now, all of this mounting evidence that Durham has to say, wow, we’re finding that early on there were dissenting voices saying this is a phony file and a phony process. All of those people who were silenced away were also told by their superiors that they were going to continue to do this despite knowing that there are dissenting voices. So, what does this mean? The CIA and FBI leadership knew and allowed this to happen.

Ric summed it up:

Let me be clear, people knew that there were dissenting voices. The good news . . . is that the U.S. intelligence officers who are career people poked holes in this in the beginning and knew it was a sham. . . . The bad news is that their bosses silenced them away, continued on with the investigation, and these individuals were bullied enough to where they weren’t courageous enough to stand up and go public. Now, that’s the bad news. What we have to do is we have to be able to fix the system. I won’t be happy unless Durham prosecutes Senior DOJ, CIA, and FBI officials. They knew from the beginning, they saw the dissenting voices, they allowed all of this to bubble up and even go to the FISA court and continued the phony hoax even though people below them knew that it was wrong, and they knew that it was wrong.

The officials who were responsible for lying to the American people need to be held accountable. We will continue to monitor this investigation and provide you with updates as they come.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with even more in-depth analysis of Durham’s new court filing.

Watch the full broadcast below.

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