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Rep. Ilhan Omar Claims Ignorance Over Her Antisemitism

Rep. Ilhan Omar Claims Ignorance Over Her Antisemitism


Jordan Sekulow

January 30, 2023

Last week, we told you how new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy rightly removed untrustworthy Representatives from seats on the House Intelligence Committee, as well as how he rejected Rep. Ilhan Omar, and her history of antisemitic rhetoric, from a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Now, she claims she had no idea her words were antisemitic.

Check out what Rep. Omar claimed on CNN yesterday in some attempt to rewrite her own narrative and save her literal seat:

During an appearance on CNN's “State of the Union” on Sunday, Omar insisted that she was unfamiliar with the antisemitic tropes concerning “Jews and money” when she previously tweeted that the U.S. relationship with Israel is “all about the Benjamins.” The “Squad” member was later forced to apologize for the comment after facing widespread condemnation from both sides of the aisle.

“I certainly did not or was not aware that the word ‘hypnotized’ was a trope. I wasn’t aware of the fact that there are tropes about Jews and money. That has been very enlightening part of this journey,” Omar told CNN’s Dana Bash when asked what she has learned from her time in Congress.

With all due respect, the Congresswoman is being disingenuous at best – or, more likely, lying. She knew exactly what she was saying – what hateful, racist stereotypes she was conjuring. Rep. Omar, like much of the radical Left, has a personal agenda in play, one that doesn’t bode well for the people of Israel, and maybe even all Jewish people around the world.

It seems far more likely that she carefully, intentionally chose the words she used in every instance.

Allow me to point you back to the time Omar tweeted, then eventually deleted:

Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) November 16, 2012

That alone should disqualify Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Then there was the time she blamed the United States – the country she allegedly serves – for a deadly terrorist attack in Kenya. In fact, that’s not the only time Rep. Ilhan Omar has accused America, and Israel, of being as bad as terrorists.

And, of course, who could forget Rep. Omar’s claim that U.S. support of our ally Israel is “all about the Benjamins,” which, as we reported, is a well known antisemetic trope:

“It's all about the Benjamins baby 🎶 https://t.co/KatcXJnZLV

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) February 10, 2019

It’s a lyric from a rap song. Benjamins is money. It’s a blatant reference to the antisemitic stereotype that Jews and Jewish money control everything, including government. Other Representatives have refused to condemn her comments.

This is just a random sampling, but I won’t dignify her blatant antisemitism any more than I want to dignify her claims that she didn’t know that her comment was offensive or racist.

Rep. Omar claims she’s just now learning about antisemitism. But if she really doesn’t understand antisemitism, then she’s not qualified to hold a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Either way, Speaker McCarthy made the right move. Israel is under attack from terrorists and at the United Nations. We cannot wait for Omar to play catch-up, especially when we all suspect she knew what she was doing. Ilhan Omar cannot be trusted to represent the United States in matters of foreign affairs. It’s too dangerous.

I applaud Speaker McCarthy for this bold move. We’ve been demanding for years that Rep. Omar be censured for her dangerous antisemitic speech, but under former Speaker Pelosi, nothing was done. Finally, Omar is being held accountable for her hurtful words. And her dubious claims of not knowing she’d made antisemitic statements don’t hold up.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more discussion of Rep. Omar’s history of antisemitic comments and actions, which are what led to her removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, including with ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell, who says bluntly: “She does not speak for America, and she doesn’t deserve a seat on the Foreign Relations Committee.”

Watch the full broadcast below:

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