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First-Responder: I Remember My Brothers



September 12, 2011

2 min read




Tim Brown is a former New York City firefighter and first responder who lost nearly 100 friends on 9/11. The ACLJ represents Tim Brown in an ongoing legal challenge to the plans to build an Islamic mosque at a site at Ground Zero where the landing gear of one of the hijacked planes crashed that fateful day. The ACLJ contends the site is hallowed and sacred ground and is not an appropriate site to build the mosque.

On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, NewsMax ran an editorial by Tim asking us all to remember the men he served with and the people we lost that day.

"September 11, 2001 began like most days for me. I was eating breakfast at the Office of Emergency Management Office at 7 World Trade Center when suddenly the powerflickered out for a few seconds. The world had just changed forever.

Shortly thereafter I found myself scrambling to my car, exchanging shirt and tie for boots, helmet, and a Mayor’s Office jacket. I had served in the New York Fire Department for 15 years. Most of my closest friends were the colleagues—brothers, as I called them—who served in the FDNY with me.

There’s something about risking your life everyday, running into burning buildings together to save others, that tends to bring you close to people. Most of my brothers died that morning..."

Please read the entire editorial by Tim Brown in NewsMax.

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