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The Family of Brian Terry Deserves Answers from AG Holder


Jay Sekulow

June 22, 2012

2 min read




We have discussed the botched DOJ program known as Operation Fast & Furious at length. This has been a very important week, with a House committee approving a contempt citation against Attorney General Holder for his continued stonewalling and refusal to provide documents necessary to reveal how much he knows and when.

At the same time, in an effort to keep this information under wraps, President Obama asserted executive privilege to shield Holder and prevent the DOJ documents from being disclosed.

But it is important to remember, this case is about a dead border patrol agent, Brian Terry. A young man murdered at the hands of weapons provided by Operation Fast & Furious.

This from Terry's father, Kent Terry: "They're lying. . . They're passing the buck," Kent Terry told Sean Hannity. "I just know that they're hiding something big. Something happened out there."

They are frustrated and want answers. As I told Megyn Kelly today on FOX News, the Justice Department and Eric Holder owe the family an explanation of what happened to their son. The real tragedy here, the family of Brian Terry has been given no answers about the murder of their son.

The comments by the Terry family come as the top Democrat in the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, made bizarre accusations that those calling for Holder to release the documents and come clean about what happened are what she called "part of nationwide scheme to suppress the vote." She continued: "They’re closely allied with those who are suffocating the system, unlimited special interest secret money and they are poisoning the debate."

The only way to describe such a comment is pathetic and ridiculous. What is she thinking?

The Terry family needs and deserves answers. That's really the issue here. That's why it is so important to continue to push - to continue to apply pressure to the Obama Administration - specifically Attorney General Holder - to provide the truth about Operation Fast & Furious.

More to come next week, as House Speaker Boehner promises to move forward with the contempt of Congress vote against Holder before the full House. It's really time for the Attorney General to step down. More than 20,000 Americans already have signed on to our petition in just a few days. Take a moment, add your name now.

Jay Sekulow



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