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Democrat Senators to Republicans, vote on legislation before it's written



June 21, 2011

1 min read




Today in the Senate Finance Committee, Democrat Senators decided on a course of action that would leave most ordinary Americans scratching their heads.  Ordinary Americans, you just aren't smart enough to be a Democrat Senator because you probably wouldn't want to vote on a bill that hasn't been written.

That's right, the Senate Finance Committee is going to vote on the "Baucus" plan before it is transferred from a plan to a bill.  As a reminder, the "Baucus" plan that was released was just that - a plan, not formal legislation.

Click here to finish reading this article written by Jordan Sekulow at Examiner.com.

Please note that in discussing political issues, candidates positions and political party statements, Jordan Sekulow is offering analysis in his individual capacity as lawyer and commentator. He is not speaking on behalf of the American Center for Law & Justice. The ACLJ does not endorse or oppose candidates for public office. Nothing contained in this article should be construed as the position of the ACLJ.

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