Operation Fast & Furious -- the failed Department of Justice (DOJ) plan that allowed weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels and brought about the death of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent. 

Congressman Issa and Senator Grassley are investigating this tragedy, trying to find out the truth. Unfortunately President Obama’s Administration – his White House staff and the Department of Justice – have obstructed their investigation at every turn.  We must find out what happened and make sure those responsible are held accountable. Please sign our petition demanding that President Obama and Attorney General Holder cooperate fully with investigators and release the facts now.

Petition for the Truth about Operation Fast & Furious

To: President Obama and Attorney General Holder

Operation Fast & Furious cost the life of a U.S. Border Patrol agent, wasted taxpayer dollars, and possibly caused law enforcement agents to participate in illegal activities. Congressman Issa and Senator Grassley have been working to find out the truth. The Department of Justice has obstructed their investigation and now has admitted to providing false information to Congress. It is your Administration – your employees – who may have broken the law. Please instruct the Department of Justice and the White House to fully cooperate with this investigation. The American people deserve the truth.



Call on Obama’s Justice Department to Tell the Truth

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