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Christian faith at its best


Jordan Sekulow

June 8, 2011

2 min read

United Nations



Missionary Daniel Pye has called Haiti home for eight years, running an orphanage and distributing necessities the Haitian people desperately needed well before the earthquake of January 2010. Five months ago, in Jacmel, Daniel was arrested and falsely imprisoned without charge. He shared a 10 x 12 prison cell with twenty-four other men.

Throughout the ordeal, Danielwas separated from his pregnant wife and daughter while experiencing all the inhumane horrors of a third world, post-natural disaster prison.

But Danny is a free man today. Less than one week after the ACLJ became involved in his case, Danny was released from prison, just days before his wife is due to give birth to their second child.

In October, Danny was involved in a property dispute that was quickly settled in civil court. After both parties reached an agreement in the case, the judge inexplicably ordered Dannys arrest. The reason for Dannys arrest? According to Haitian attorney Osner Fevry, who represented the Pyes pro bono: Daniel Pye helped an organization rent ... a hotel or guest house, and (the judge) was living in the place and ... was forced to leave. Simply put, this was the judges personal vendetta.

Leann Pye, Dannys wife, who returned to the U.S. for maternity care, worked to secure her husbands release from prison and he walked away a free man on Christmas Eve. But the same judge had Danny immediately rearrested and held without charge.

Last Friday, Leann contacted the ACLJ and we began working with officials in Washington and Dannys attorney in Haiti to secure his release. . . .

You can read the entire commentary here. Please leave your comments on the Washington Post site.

Please note that in discussing political issues, candidates positions and political party statements, Jordan Sekulow is offering analysis in his individual capacity as lawyer and commentator. He is not speaking on behalf of the American Center for Law & Justice. The ACLJ does not endorse or oppose candidates for public office. Nothing contained in this article should be construed as the position of the ACLJ.


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