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BREAKING: Attempted Assassination of Justice Kavanaugh Over Draft Opinion Overturning Roe v. Wade


Jordan Sekulow

June 8, 2022

5 min read

Supreme Court



Remember how we just warned you that conservatives would be under attack from the Left as we approach the primetime January 6th congressional hearings which begin this week?

We meant in the mainstream media and on social media. We didn’t realize that there would be literal, potentially life-threatening attacks on individuals and their families. But in the middle of the night, roughly 1:50 AM, U.S. Marshals protecting the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh apprehended an individual with a gun and a knife just a block over from Kavanaugh’s house.

The suspect readily admitted that he was there to kill Justice Kavanaugh in response to the leaked draft opinion that indicated the Court might be preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade.

As reported:

The man was carrying burglary tools at the time of his arrest, according to the Washington Post, which first reported the arrest. The man arrested near Kavanaugh’s home on Wednesday was reportedly incensed about a leaked draft opinion indicating the Court is poised to overturn the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, two people familiar with the investigation told the Post.

It has also been reported that he was carrying burglary tools, which suggests he wasn’t just going to ring the doorbell or wait for Justice Kavanaugh to step outside in the morning. He was planning to break into the Kavanaugh home, threatening every soul inside.

This is where we’ve come, folks. Radical Leftists' extreme devotion to their abortion agenda cannot be doubted.  Thankfully the U.S. Marshals intercepted this would-be assailant. But let’s not overlook that it is the leadership on the Left that is giving these twisted foot soldiers their orders.

We told you how Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stood on the Supreme Court steps before a crowd of rabid abortion advocates and made direct threats at Supreme Court Justices, including Kavanaugh by name. Sen. Schumer warned that the Justices would “pay the price”:

I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.

Schumer later walked back his words, somewhat, but clearly the intended damage was done. If not for the swift action of the U.S. Marshals service, we might have woken to news that a Supreme Court Justice, his wife, and possibly children, had been assassinated in the name of defending abortion. They not only want the right to abort a baby at any time for any reason, even AFTER BIRTH, but now they willing to kill anyone who dares challenge their abortion distortion. How sick have we become?

And TWO different pro-life pregnancy centers were attacked by radical abortion fanatics. Just yesterday in New York, a pro-life pregnancy center was reportedly FIREBOMBED by extreme abortion fanatics. The words “Jane was here” were spray painted on a wall, seeming to implicate a domestic terrorist group calling itself Jane’s Revenge, although at this time the group has not taken responsibility.

According to Fox News:

The pro-choice group "Jane’s Revenge" has recently taken credit for other attacks on pro-life organizations, including for the attack on Wisconsin Family Action last month and for throwing red paint on a crisis pregnancy center in Washington, D.C., last week. It is unclear if the group has claimed responsibility for the incident in New York.

Another pro-life center in North Carolina had its windows smashed and was vandalized with blood-red spray paint, including the ominous warning: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!” 

This is the rotten fruit of so-called progressives like Sen. Schumer. He absolutely crossed the line from free speech to inciting violence. He must be held accountable for his words, and this attempted assassination. As ACLJ Senior Counsel Andy Ekonomou explained:

No it’s not protected speech. When you have the imminent ability to create a situation where people are at risk of their lives, where criminal activity is afoot, and you’ve asked for criminal activity to take place, and you are advocating that kind of activity to occur, that is not protected speech under the Constitution or under any law of the United States. That is inciting to terroristic threats and those are criminal offenses that U.S. Attorneys and District Attorneys ought to be prosecuting.

At the same time Speaker Pelosi is blocking a bill that would increase security for Supreme Court Justices.

We continue to call on Congress to immediately improve security guidelines for Justices and their families. On May 9, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a bill that would authorize the U.S. Supreme Court Police to extend their jurisdiction and provide protection for Justices and their families around the clock. Speaker Pelosi has refused to quickly approve the bill, and instead initiated an amendment process. Today’s events make it abundantly clear that the bill should be approved and enacted immediately, and any additional proposals debated and considered afterward. It would be unconscionable to continue to delay this security extension in the meantime.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with more in-depth analysis of this thwarted assassination attempt and what, if any, formal measures should be taken against Sen. Schumer and any other leaders who threaten retribution against the Supreme Court. 

Watch the full broadcast below:

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