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John Roberts Supreme Court Confirmation Center

June 15, 2011

4 min read

Supreme Court



With the nomination of John Roberts to a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States and another nomination pending, the American Center for Law and Justice is playing a pivotal role in the confirmation process. On this page, you will find information that we hope will be helpful concerning John Roberts who has been nominated by President Bush as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Sign Our Petition to Support The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr.

Watch Jay Sekulows Video Report from the Confirmation Hearings

Background Information

ACLJ Supreme Court Summary - The Facts Behind the Opinion in the Abortion Case, Bray v. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic

View John Roberts, Jr.'s Background Information

Television interview from the year 2000

In The News

ACLJ: Senate Judiciary Committee Vote for John Roberts Shows Conservative Judicial Philosophy Represents "Mainstream" America

ACLJ: John Roberts' Testimony "Open and Honest" in Confirmation Hearings Before Senate Judiciary Committee

ACLJ: Day One of Confirmation Hearings Shows True Agenda of Liberal Senators and Gave John Roberts Critical Opportunity to Show He Understands Proper Role of Supreme Court

Transcript: Opening Remarks of Judge John Roberts Before Senate Judiciary Committee as Confirmation Hearings Begin in Washington, D.C.

ACLJ Calls for Fair Confirmation Hearing for Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts

ACLJ Calls on Senate to Move Quickly in Confirmation Process for John Roberts

A Time of Transition at the Supreme Court of the United States by Jay Sekulow

ACLJ: Nomination of John Roberts as Chief Justice of Supreme Court "Extraordinary" Choice

The White House - President Bush Nominates John Roberts as Chief Justice of Supreme Court to Succeed William Rehnquist (Transcript)

ACLJ says Chief Justice Rehnquist Served the Nation With Honor and Integrity

ACLJ Responds to Americans United for Separation of Church and States
Attack Against Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts

ACLJ Responds to People For the American Way's Attack Against Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts

ACLJ:  Americans United Report to Discredit John Roberts on Church-State Issues is "Faulty" and Will Fail

Commentary - Should the Religious Faith of John Roberts Be an Issue at the Confirmation Hearings? - By Jay Sekulow

ACLJ Calls Opposition by People for the American Way to Supreme Court Nominee Roberts "Desperate" Attempt That Will Fail

ACLJ: Release of John Roberts' Documents Show Conservative Judicial Philosophy on Issues Ranging from School Prayer to Abortion

ACLJ:  NARAL Decides to Pull John Roberts Ad on Abortion -- Americans Don't Want Smear Campaign

ACLJ:  From the Atty Who Argued the Supreme Court Case:  NARAL Ad on John Roberts - Factually-Flawed and Reprehensible

ACLJ:  NARAL Ad on John Roberts Outrageous - Ad Distorts Truth About Supreme Court Abortion Case

ACLJ says 2000 TV Interview with John Roberts Underscores His Judicial Philosophy of Interpreting Constitution - Not Legislating from the Bench

ACLJ:  Internal Documents of John Roberts Should Not Be Released - Political "Fishing Expedition" Violates Attorney-Client Privilege

ACLJ Calls John Roberts, Jr. - President Bush's Supreme Court Nominee - an "Exceptional" Choice Who Will Interpret the Constitution

Read News Stories About John Roberts

Read the transcript of President George W. Bush's announcement of Judge John Roberts as his Supreme Court nominee

Jay's Trial Notebook

Hearing Update: John Roberts Exhibits Integrity and Candor

John Roberts Answers Questions Regarding Abortion

Roberts Hearing Gets Underway; ACLJ Preparing New Case

Judiciary Hearings for John Roberts Set to Begin Monday

Roberts Nominated for Chief Justice

Preparing for the Hearing

The Ginsburg Standard

Judge Roberts Has Argued 39 Supreme Court Cases

Judge Roberts Well Qualified

President Nominates John Roberts


Listen to Our Radio Ads In Support of John Roberts:

Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow comments on the mobilization of Liberal Activist groups.

The President has Nominated Judge John G. Roberts, Jr.

It is up to the Senate to confirm John G. Roberts, Jr.

John Roberts prepares for hearings in front of the Senate.

John Roberts will interpret the Constitution not rewrite it.

NARAL resorts to untruths to oppose John Roberts.

People For the American Way claim to represent mainstream America:
Is this mainstream America?

People For the American Way opposes

  • pornography filters on public library computers;
  • regulation of hardcore internet pornography;
  • restrictions on simulated child pornography;
  • school choice;
  • voluntary prayer in public places. 

People For the American Way supports

  • deleting under God from the Pledge of Allegiance;
  • redefinition of traditional marriage;
  • voting rights for felons;
  • forcing the Boy Scouts to permit openly gay scoutmasters;
  • partial birth abortion;
  • judicially imposed tax hikes;
  • removing the Ten Commandments from public settings. 



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