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Date Set for Alito Confirmation


Jay Sekulow

June 25, 2011

2 min read

Supreme Court



Yesterday evening and this morning I was on a series of conference calls concerning the scheduled vote for Judge Alitos confirmation to the Supreme Court.  Based on my calls this morning, it appears that the first call for a cloture (an end to the debate) will take place Monday evening.  If that cloture motion is granted, Judge Alito could be voted on as early as Monday evening or Tuesday morning.  Senator Kerry has called for a filibuster; but quite frankly, he does not seem to be getting the kind of support he would need in order to delay this vote. 


At this juncture, were going to keep the pressure on the Senate to ensure an up-or-down vote on Judge Alito.  Your participation in our petition, which is being updated regularly to the United States Senate, is critical.  Please click here to sign the petition and let your voice be heard. 


Frank Manion will be filing two new cases on behalf on pharmacists today.  These cases involve pharmacists who are refusing to dispense medications that induce abortions. This is the cutting-edge area of litigation in the pro-life movement.  Medical professionals should not be placed in the position of having to give up their right of conscience and be compelled to participate in a procedure which they believe terminates human life.  We will keep everybody posted as these cases progress.


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