Stop Global Human Trafficking

Innocent lives are being exploited, abused, and utterly destroyed RIGHT NOW by the global scourge of human trafficking.

Every day, desperate individuals face an unthinkable choice: risk being sold into modern slavery by human traffickers or go hungry.

Evil human traffickers exploit these people for financial gain – luring them with false promises or kidnapping them and selling them into slavery.

According to the U.N., an estimated 40.3 million people are trapped in modern slavery.

Men and children find themselves toiling in inhumane labor camps and factories. Women and even young girls are forced into sweatshops, brothels, and worse.

At the ACLJ, we've launched our largest effort yet at the U.N., filing critical Universal Periodic Review (UPR) reports on the worst offending nations to expose human rights violations and demand intervention to fight human trafficking. We're also urging aid for victims once they've been rescued. And for years, we helped work on state legislation to battle human trafficking in the U.S.

Now we need you to take action with us for the victims.