Stop Criminalizing Saving Unborn Babies

Saving babies shouldn't send you to jail.

But the abortion industry isn't just killing innocent babies; it's unconstitutionally criminalizing pro-life advocacy.

The Deep State DOJ has raided pro-lifers' homes, dragging them out in front of their kids. The DOD trained soldiers that pro-life sidewalk counselors and organizations we represent are "terror groups." Now pro-abortion prosecutors across the country are trying to throw pro-life Americans in jail.

The abortion lobby has found a way to manipulate the law, trample the Constitution, and make it illegal to try to save babies' lives outside Planned Parenthood or other abortion clinics.

Our case to overturn the worst pro-abortion court decision since Roe is pending at the Supreme Court. And we're taking on new cases to prevent pro-lifers from being thrown in jail.

We've battled these unconstitutional laws and unlawful prosecutions all the way to the Supreme Court before, and we're ready to do it again. But we need you to take urgent action with us TODAY.

Petition To Stop the Unconstitutional Criminalization of Pro-Life Speech and Save Unborn Babies' Lives