School Board Unlawfully Refuses To Transport Kids to Christian School

State of Ohio ex rel. Marrisa Siebold v. Columbus City Schools Board of Education
School Board Unlawfully Refuses To Transport Kids to Christian School
In Court

A city in Ohio is REFUSING to transport kids on the bus to Christian schools in direct violation of state law. Teachers unions and radical Left bureaucrats hate school choice and will do anything to undermine parents’ rights.

At the ACLJ, we’re launching a major School Choice Initiative to ensure that every state in the country allows parents to choose the school they believe will provide their kids the best education – whether it’s a private, religious, charter, homeschool, or public school – regardless of economic standing.

The ACLJ filed a major lawsuit on behalf of parents and their right to choose their children’s education. The Columbus City Board of Education is attacking that right by refusing to transport children to private schools, including many Christian schools, despite an Ohio law that expressly requires them to provide that transportation. We filed a writ of mandamus at the Ohio Supreme Court on behalf of our clients to force the city to follow the law and uphold parental rights and school choice.

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