Underperforming public schools – especially in disadvantaged communities – are crushing kids’ future.
For decades, the “progressive” Left has shoveled trillions of tax dollars into failing public schools, hoping the problem would fix itself. But underperforming public schools continue setting students up for generational failure.
Justice requires equality of opportunity in education. And that begins with school choice.
At the ACLJ, we have launched our School Choice Initiative to ensure that every state in the country allows parents to choose the school they believe will provide their kids the best education – whether it’s a private, religious, charter, homeschool, or public school – regardless of economic standing.
We are drafting model state legislation to ensure that every child has equality of opportunity in education, including school vouchers. We’ve filed briefs at the Supreme Court to defend state school choice laws to equally apply to religious education. And we’re aggressively working on Capitol Hill to ensure that federal funding in education allows maximum choice for maximum results.
Every child should have access to the best education. Opportunity shouldn’t be dictated by zip code. Demand school choice for all families NOW.
Petition To Demand School Choice, Justice, and Equality of Opportunity for Every Child