Save Persecuted Christians in Afghanistan From the Taliban’s Brutality

Christians in Afghanistan are on the precipice of disaster. Women and children fear the utter brutality of Taliban rule. They are hiding in their homes in Afghanistan for fear of what the Taliban will do to them.

President Biden has allowed the Taliban to take over Afghanistan in a catastrophe of epic proportions. He is abandoning Afghan Christians, helpless women and children, and even U.S. citizens.

The Taliban is going door to door looking for Christians to kill and unmarried women to take captive. Christians in Afghanistan fear the same genocidal persecution Christians suffered in Iraq and Syria.

The ACLJ is mobilizing – including through our offices in the region – to defend Christians’ lives in Afghanistan. We’re submitting emergency filings for U.N. consideration and filing critical records demands of the Biden Administration (which will likely lead to a lawsuit). We are demanding international intervention to prevent needless bloodshed and human rights atrocities NOW, before it’s too late. But we need your help.
Be a voice for the voiceless. Take action with us to help save Christian lives.

Petition To Save Persecuted Christians in Afghanistan From the Taliban’s Brutality